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Peter's POV:

As the final bell rings, I immediately pack my things and run out of the classroom. I say my goodbies to Ned and MJ, before making my way to the subway station. Just as I run down the stair, I see the subway stop.

I run to it and step inside, taking a seat not far from the doors. I plug my earbuds into my phone, before placing them in my ears. I put my playlist on shuffle and slip my phone back into my pocket.

I'm supposed to meet Claire in 20 minutes. It'll take about 15 minutes on the correct subway station and about 5 minutes to walk to the Starbucks. I'm honestly excited to meet her. I'm glad that I will be able to reunite Wanda with her old friend.


As I arrive at the Starbucks, I glance at the time. 4:54 PM. I still have 6 minutes, so I walk inside to order a coffee. I don't visit Starbucks very often, so I might as well grab a coffee while I'm here. After they hand me my coffee, I sit in a corner of the room, starting to sip it.

A few minutes pass until I see a black car pull up in front of the coffee shop. A redhead, dressed in a red leather jacket and black jeans, steps out. She slams the door shut and locks her car, entering the Starbucks.

She walks to the counter and orders a coffee. I'm too far away to hear what she's saying, so I just continue to look at her. That's her, it has to be. It's Claire.

She scans the tables with her eyes until our eyes meet. I can tell she's thinking the same thing as me. She grabs her coffee, before walking over to me. I stand up.

''Peter Parker?'' she asks, holding out her hand. I recognize her voice from the phone call. I nod and shake her hand.

''Should we going?'' she asks. I nod, as we leave the coffee shop

''I don't know the directions, so can I give you a ride? You can tell me where to go.'' she asks. I nod, as we walk to her car.

''So, how do you know Wanda?'' she asks, as we get into the car.

''She can tell you if she wants.'' I reply. She nods, taking a sip from her coffee. She then places it in the cupholder, before turning on the car. We both buckle up before she drives on the road.

The whole way to the compound I was giving Claire directions where to go. Even though she didn't show it, I could tell she was getting more nervous by the minute.

As we arrive at the compound, Friday lets us in the garage. I told her to not say that we're here. Claire parks the car before we both get out. We walk to the elevator, stepping inside it.

''You nervous?'' I ask. She nods in response.

''Don't be. From the way that Wanda talked about you, I could tell she really wants to see you again.'' I reply. She flashes me a thankful smile, just before the doors open. I lead her to the living room, telling her to wait outside. As I enter the living room, everyone looks at me.

''Pete? What are you doing here?'' Nat asks. I smile and look at Wanda.

''Can I borrow Wanda for a few minutes? I have to show her something.'' I say. They nod, as Wanda comes over to me and grabs my hand. She plants a kiss on my cheek, making a smile form on my face.

''What's up?'' she asks. I smile and take both of her hands in mine, walking backward and leading her out of the living room. She doesn't notice Claire, who is a few meters away. We stop, as I can't stop smiling.

''Remember when you told me about Claire?'' I ask. She nods, looking slightly confused. I can't help but smile.

''I took the liberty of looking into some things. And I might have been able to contact her.'' I say, not being able to wipe my wide grin away. She seems to understand where I'm going with this.

''You didn't.'' she says, placing a hand over her mouth. I smile, as Claire walks up to us.

''Hey, Wands.'' she smiles. Without hesitation, Wanda wraps her arms around the other girl, pulling her into a tight hug. Claire laughs, returning the hug.

''Is it really you?'' Wanda asks with a shaky voice, after pulling away. Claire smiles and nods before Wanda looks at me.

''I- I don't know what to say.'' she says, a smile covering her face. God, I love seeing her so happy.

''Don't say anything. Just go and have fun.'' I smile at them. The next thing I know, Wanda jumps on me. She locks her legs around my hips, as her arms go around my neck. Her soft lips press against mine, as her hands are in my hair.

I smile against the kiss, as my arms wrap around her waist. But, unfortunately, she pulls away.

''Thank you.'' she smiles, as our foreheads are resting together. I peck her lips, before setting her back on the floor. I notice Claire looking at us, with a dumbfounded expression.

''You told me she was your friend. You didn't tell me you're dating.'' she says. Peter shrugs, as I lay my head on his shoulder.

''If I told you I was dating an Avenger, you'd have probably considered me a nutter. You wouldn't have believed me.'' I say.

''Good point.'' she says. I smile and press a kiss to Wanda's temple.

''Go with her. I know you want to spend some time together.'' I whisper in Wanda's ear. She pulls back and looks at me.

''Okay, but can we watch a movie in the evening?'' she asks. I nod in response.

''I'll ask May if I can stay until the evening.'' I reply. She grins and kisses my cheek, before walking over to Claire. They both thank me one more time, before turning around and walking to the elevator.

When I turn to walk to the living room, I'm greeted by the Avengers. They're all looking at me with grins and smiles plastered across their faces.

''That was very nice of you.'' Nat says. I just shrug.

''She deserves it. And I want her to be happy.'' I reply.

''Well, she's very lucky to have you.'' Clint says. I smile and nod.



So, here's the 13th chapter! I hope you like it!

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

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