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Soo... hi!

This story has just started, and I'm already behind on schedule!

I'm sorry this chapter is 2 days late! I'll do my best to make sure this doesn't happen again!

With that said - I hope you enjoy!


Wanda's POV:

The elevator door opens and we step out. I follow Peter to one of the doors, watching as he knocks on the door. A few seconds later the doors open, revealing a seemingly young woman. There is no actual way this woman is 52 years old. She looks like she's in her 30's.

''Hey, May.'' Peter smiles. May wraps her arms around Peter, pulling him into a tight hug. He hugs back, as a smile makes its way on my face. They remind me of me and my mom when I was younger.

A few seconds later their hug break, as May looks at me.

''Uh, May. This is Wanda. You may know her as the Scarlet Witch.'' Peter says. May gives him a teasing look, causing a slight blush to appear on his cheeks. I shrug it off, as I hold out my hand.

''Nice to meet you, Mrs. Parker.'' I greet. She smiles, before shaking my hand.

''Likewise. Please, call me May. No need for formalities.'' she replies. I nod, as Peter and I enter the apartment.

It's a nice home. It's not as fancy as the compound, but it's clean and cozy. It's pretty small, but it looks good.

''Have you 2 eaten already?'' May asks as we walk into the kitchen.

''No.'' me and Peter reply in unison. We look at each other and chuckle, sitting at the table. May places 2 plates of scrambled eggs in front of us.

''Dig in. Now, Peter.'' Peter looks up at her, as she sits across from us ''How is it, living at the compound?'' He swallows, before answering.

''Well, it's definitely different. But the team is being supportive and helping me adjust.'' he replies. A small smile makes its way on my face, as I'm listening to their conversation.

The rest of the breakfast is fun, as Peter and I finish our scrambled eggs. We stand up, placing the plates in the sink.

''Thank you for the breakfast, May.'' I say. She gives me a kind smile.

''It's no problem.'' she turns to Peter ''Did you need anything else?''

''Yeah, I wanted to grab some of my stuff.'' he replies. May nods, before telling us to go to Peter's room.

I don't know which room is his, so I just follow him. We reach a light yellow-ish door. Peter opens it, letting me enter.

I enter a rather small but cozy-looking room. It has a twin bed in the corner of the room, and a very old-looking computer, next to it. It's set on a table that also has a lot of papers and notebooks scattered around.

In the opposite corner of the room is a closet, containing multiple science pun T-Shirts. I walk over to the closet, as a small smile creeps on my face. If there's one thing I've learned to love about him in these few days is his love for science. The way he rambles and expresses his excitement never fails to make me laugh.

I see Peter grab a black duffel bag, from underneath the bed. He places it on the floor, starting to pack some clothes.

''This is a nice room.'' I finally say. He looks at me and smiles, before looking around.

''Yeah. It's not much, but I like it.'' he replies. I nod, walking over to the bed and sitting down. I notice a picture of a younger him, standing between a couple. The man has slightly grey hair, with glasses. The woman has shoulder-length brown hair, and brown eyes, which Peter clearly got from her.

I smile, picking up the picture. I look up at Peter, who doesn't notice my gaze, since he's too busy packing his clothes. I force myself to look away from him and back to the picture. The woman doesn't look like May, at all, so I'm guessing these are his parents.

''Are these your parents?'' I ask. He looks at me, then the picture in my hands. A sad smile makes its way onto his face, as he sits next to me. I hand him the picture, as I feel his head slightly rest against my arm.

''Yeah. This is the only memory I have of them.'' he replies. I nod, understandingly. We both keep looking at the picture for a few seconds. That's before he sighs, sitting up.

''I just wish they never left, you know? I don't know if they left because of me, or something else, and I don't really care. I just wish they didn't leave.'' he says, his voice cracking. Normally, I wouldn't stop laughing about the voice crack, but this wasn't the time.

I carefully move closer to him, slowly wrapping my arm around his shoulders. He leans into my side, tracing the picture with his finger.

''Whatever it was that caused them to leave it wasn't you. I can assure you that.'' I say, in a soft voice. He nods, laying his head on my shoulder. I hold him close, running my free hand through his soft hair.

''Thanks. I needed to hear that.''


So, here's the 4th chapter! I hope you liked it!

Since this chapter was posted late, the next one will be published in 2 days!

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

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