Chapter 12 | Hallucination

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Peeta's POV

"Next stop; District 12."

I sit on our bed in the train, drawing Katniss while she's next to me asleep. I thought it would be more comfortable for her to lay on bed instead on the couch so I picked her up and put her down on the bed.

For the first couple of minutes I was thinking about what I could draw until something popped up in my head. I'm gonna draw Katniss when she was 5, 6, 7, 8 and so on until 21.

I love drawing her. It's so peaceful and easy because I know every inch of her body.

When it's about 10 minutes until we arrive at 12, I decide to wake my oh so beautiful wife, Katniss Mellark.

"Sweetie, wake up... wake up..." whisper and shake her softly back and forth.

I kiss her cheek and succeed to wake her up. When she opens her eyes and her grey orbs meet mine blue ones, I feel like I'm melting.

She has amazing eyes.

"Good morning baby," I smile, "we're almost in 12 so I decided to wake you up."

"Thanks, sweetie," she smiles and presses her soft lips on mine.


"Look who did return from their honeymoon!"

I look up from my drawing of Katniss when she was like 10 years old and meet with Haymitch his blue eyes.

"Haymitch," I smile. I'm sitting in our backyard, waiting for Katniss to come home. She went hunting a couple of hours ago so I decide to go draw under the tree in our backyard.

"Were's your girl on f-"

That's when a high pitched scream hits my ears, and all I can think about is... Katniss!

I jump up and run together with Haymitch through our house and front door to see Katniss laying on the ground, shaking and crying.

"Katniss!" I shout and run up to her. "What's wrong, baby?" I ask confused.

"I- I don't kn- kn- know... I s- saw my- my da- dad a- and Pri- Prim an-"

I cut her off, "shh, baby, don't cry," I lift her up and put her on my lap. "It was not real."

"B- but-"

"Sweetheart, I think the woods triggered a hallucination," Haymitch says as he kneels down beside us. "Maybe you should get some rest."

I stand up with Katniss sobbing in my arms.

"I'll take her to bed, thanks Haymitch," I say and bring Katniss to our bedroom.


I know it's short, but I don't know anything to write! Sorry!

I hope you can help me :) :)

Oh and I also changed the book cover, hope you like it 😘✌️


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