Chapter 9 | Forgotten

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Katniss POV

Slowly I wake up by the light of the sun through to open window above the bed Peeta and I are sleeping in.

"Good morning my beautiful Katniss Mellark."

I turn around en look into Peeta his amazing bright blue eyes.

Oh god, I love him so much. I can't believe I'm finally married to him.

"Morning my handsome husband," I chuckle en give him a quick kiss on his lips.

After two minutes just laying here and looking at each other, I'm about to get up but Peeta pulls me back en I land under his naked body.

I blush.

"Well, well. Katniss Mellark is still-"

"Katniss, Peeta?! Are you guys ready for your honeymoon?!" Haymitch shouts from downstairs.

"Oh my god Peeta! We totally forgot! We are going on our honeymoon to district 4 and we haven't packed yet!" I say to him while he rolls next to me.

"Katniss, Peet-" Haymitch opens the door.

I quickly cover our bodies with the blanket before Haymitch could see it and blush.

"What are you guys doing?! The train leaves about an hour!"

"We're just waking up, don't worry Haymitch," Peeta says as relaxed as he can but deep in side I know he's a little bit stressed.

"Right," Haymitch says. "Well, I'm coming back in about 30 minutes to bring you guys to the train station."

We nod and Haymitch leaves.

Peeta and I sprint out of bed. We take a shower together in 3 minutes, put some comfortable clothes on and put everything we think we need in 2 suitcases.

I'm proud, we did it.


Peeta's POV

"Peetaaaa...." Katniss whines.

"Yes baby?"

"When are we arriving in district 4?"

She has been asking for the past hour when we arrive at 4 but the only thing I can say is that we won't be there until tomorrow.

"Honey, can you please stop asking me when we'll be there? It doesn't change that we are not getting there until tomorrow," I chuckle.

She kisses my lips, "okay, honey."

I laugh and lie next to Katniss on the couch in our train compartment .


I know this chapter is boring but I'm tired... 😪

Next chapter is gonna be better. I promise ✌️

Love u guys ! Bye ! 💗⭐️💎🎶

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