Chapter 22 | A happy little family

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Katniss' POV

Tears are streaming down my cheeks when Claire carefully lays my daughter on my chest.

She squirms around on my chest but I try to calm her down, which is very hard when your self crying too.

"Sorry Katniss, I need to barrow your daughter for a second. Just to clean her up and do some tests," Claire says and takes my daughter out of my hands.

I looks to the right and see that Peeta also has tears in his eyes.

"I can't believe we just became parents..." I whisper and take his hand in mine again.

"Me neither," he says and kisses my lips softly. "I love you so much, baby."

"I love you so much too," I reply and pull him down for another kiss.

"Katniss, Peeta?"

I turn my head to Claire, who's holding our baby in a pink blanket with white dots.

I smile and take her from Claire.

"Oh my god..." I whisper. "She's perfect..."

"She looks so much alike you, sweetie," Peeta says and caress her cheek.

"Yeah but still... She's perfect."

"You're too," Peeta says and kisses my shoulder.

I smile and blush slightly but then I realize something, "Peeta, what's her name?"

He chuckles, "How could we forget to give her a name? Oh god... ehm... wait why do you want me to name her?"

"Because you're her daddy and I don't know any plant, flower or tree names."

"You're such a bad liar, Katniss. I know you know thousand names that has to do something with nature, almost your whole family exist out of people with that kind of names."

"I don't care," I laugh. "Give your daughter a name."

I start to stroke her soft cheek.

I remember when Prim was born, the only thing she did was crying, crying and crying. I asked my mom if I could hold her but she wouldn't let me because she was crying.

When I asked my dad if I could hold her, he said it was fine. He lifted me up and placed me in the chair in the corner of the room. He took Prim from my mom and placed her in my arms.

I remember that after 1 or 2 more minutes of crying she stopped and opened her eyes. They were blue, just like my mom her eyes.

And just like the ones of my daughter.

"Peeta..." I breath. "Look... She has your eyes."

"Willow is so beautiful."

"Willow?" I say, smiling because I know he wants her to name her that. And I love it.

"Yeah... Don't you like the name Willow?" He says a little bit disappointed.

"Don't like? I love it!"


"Yes, honey. But, I think she needs a second name..."

She looks at me with her big blue eyes and blinks a few times before she bursts out in tears.

"Shh... Don't cry my sweet little Willow, " I coo and rock her back and forth.

"Maybe she's hungry," Claire says, walking out of the room where she took Willow to do some tests.

"Maybe," I say, not knowing what to do.

Claire smiles, "let me show you how to feed your little Willow."

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