Chapter 25 | This is our life

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Katniss POV

"Katniss, sweetie, wake up..."

I slowly open my eyes to be greeted by Peeta his beautiful ocean ones.

"Happy anniversary," he smiles.

"Happy anniversary, my sweet husband."

He places his soft lips onto mine and after 5 seconds, he is about to pull away but before he manage to, I push him on the bed next to me and climb on him to make sure he can't move.

I kiss his lips and before we know it, we're making out.

"Katniss." Kiss. "We." Kiss "Need." Kiss. "To go." Kiss.

I pull away and smile at him, "I'm sorry."

"Doesn't matter," he says and I get off him. "What about you go eat your breakfast I made you and I pack your suitcase and bring Willow to Haymitch?"

"Sounds good," I smile and peck his lips one last time before walking downstairs.

I walk over to Willow her crib and take her out of it.

"Hey baby girl," I say, kissing her head. "Exactly one year ago daddy and mommy got married so today is our anniversary and daddy is taking mommy somewhere but I don't know where to and for how long. I really hope you are going to enjoy staying with uncle Haymitch."

She stares at me with her big blue eyes and makes some funny but cute noises.

"I love you so much, my little Willow Jasmine Mellark."


After one day plus night train being on a train, we finally got where we are spending one week to celebrate our anniversary, the place of our honeymoon.

Last night I guessed where we were going. I couldn't sleep because I was too curious so I guessed.

I open my suit case to find a lot of dresses, bikini's and a lot lingerie.

I roll my eyes and take it all out of the suitcase.

"I can't believe he has also that side," I mumble when I put a black lace bra in a drawer.

But it's true, I really can't believe it. I mean, when you first look at him and meet him you will think it's a handsome man with a baby daughter and a wife, who likes to paint, bake and have a fun time with his family. Not that I ever thought about him like that when we first met, but I knew he was sweet and wouldn't hurt a fly.

But now, when I look at him know, I see the same things but also with his other side that has to do with... Uhm... Yeah... That thing that starts with an S.

"What side?"

I turn around to see Peeta leaning against the doorway.

"Oh nothing..." I say and go back to putting my clothes in de drawer.

Peeta wraps his arms around me from behind and plants a kiss on my neck.

"Maybe you should change into something more fancy," he whispers. "Because there might be a change that I'm going to take you on a date."

I chuckle and turn around before placing my lips on his.


Hand in hand we walk down the beach to find a perfect spot to enjoy the beautiful sunset.

"Here?" Peeta suggests and I nod before sitting down.

Peeta sits down next to me and pulls me into his lap.

While the sun slowly sets, I start to think about what happened that last view years and how grateful I am for everything. How special the moment was when Peeta asked me to become his wife, how beautiful the day was when we got married, how scared I was when I found out I was pregnant and how happy we were when Peeta found out and told me everything is going to be okay and how the most beautiful moment of our lives just happened a couple of weeks ago.

"Where are you thinking about, honey?" Peeta asks softly.

"About our life. How happy I'm for everything that happens in the last few years."

"Yeah, the last few years are the most amazing years of my life, they really made me think all those years of fear, pain, hunger and war, were just nightmares. But unfortunately that's what we dream now, nightmares of what we wish were nightmares but was reality. I wish we are like Willow, who doesn't know anything about everything we know."

I nod and kiss his lips.

After all those years I finally can say that I'm not scared anymore, I still have nightmares but I have Peeta and Willow. They are everything I need in my life. So I'm glad I can say that this is our life, and no one is going to change that.




Thank you guys so much for reading this book! I can't believe I have more than 14 K reads on it and more than 800 votes! That's incredible! ❤️

I really hope you liked this chapter and book!

The sequel will be up asap but please send me some ideas bc I don't have many!

And for the last time in this book;

Love you 😘❤️

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