Chapter 6 | Dress

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* about 4 months later *

Katniss POV

"What do you think of this? Beautiful?" Annie laughs and shows me a wedding dress.

"Horrible!" I laugh.

The dress is light purple and comes up to your knees. At the bottom of the dress are hanging fringes in a light blue color.

Really ugly.

"I know!" she laughs.

After I became engaged to Peeta I try build up my relationship with Annie, Johanna, my mother, Effie, my prep team, Beetee and Plutarch again.

Today I went with Annie, Johanna and my mom shopping for a wedding dress while Peeta and Haymitch settle a suit and other things for the wedding.

I have fitted about four dresses and I don't know which I one should choose. Luckily I have Johanna, Annie and my mother.

"Katniss, sweetheart, come here! I have found a very nice dress," my mother calls.

I walk along with Annie to my mother, Johanna, and the saleswoman.

"How about this one?" she asks.

It is a beautiful white dress that touches the ground. It is strapless and the back is a floral lace print. The dress has no fuss but there is a little thing that I notice. There are tiny light orange glitters in it that you really only see when the sun shines on it.

Orange. The favorite color of Peeta.

Orange. The color of fire.

Orange. The color of the sunset where we get married.

Orange. The color of the glitters in the wedding dress in which I want to get married in.


"Oh, Katniss! Girl, you're beautiful in this dress!" Annie smiles. She walks around me and her hands go over the fabric of the dress.

"Beautiful, wonderful, incredible! Really, this should be the wedding dress!" My mother smiles.

I smile back and look at Johanna, "and? ... What do you think?"

She chuckles and smiles, "Okay, okay, they're right ... You're really beautiful in this dress!"

I start to blush. Johanna never say things like this, so when she says something like that it should almost be true. And then also to think that Annie, my mother and Johanna have a very different dress style!

"And, are you-," the saleswoman comes running towards us but stops immediately talking when she sees me. "Wow ..."

I blush and smile even worse. At moments like this I never know what to say. That's why I smile a little.

"The dress is beautiful on her, don't you think?" Annie smiles.

"Without a doubt, A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!" she says.

"Have you decided what kind of shoes you want to wear?" my mother asks.

I shake my head. Clothing has never been my strong point, let alone shoes.

"I think everything is fine but it should not be heels!" I laugh.

"No, that would not really be nice for Peeta. Then he must also have very high shoes," says Johanna.

We start laughing all five.

After we have found the perfect shoes, we pay the dress and shoes and walk back to my and Peetas' house in Victor Village. (Of course, we're not taking the dress home because Peeta may not see the the dress.)

We open the door of the house, but we are equally restrained by Haymitch.

"Haymitch, this is my house?" I say, trying to nudging him.

"Practically it is Peeta his house and therefore he is the boss. And the boss determines what happens and Peeta has determined that you are not allowed to come into his house now," he says.

I shake my head and push again hard against Haymitch, but not without consequences ... He falls back on his back with me on top of him.

I hear my mother, Johanna and Annie laugh. It must be great funny look.

I push myself on my hands, "I've never looked at you from this point, Haymitch."

He chuckles, "You're right, sweetheart! But don't you think it's better if you go off of me? Peeta will not like it as it comes out that you lie on old men ..."

I start to blush and just at that moment I hear someone clear his throat.

I look up.


Oh boy...

"Hi Peeta ..." I smile.

"Katniss," he recalls. "Any luck?"

I nod, "a lot."

Haymitch starts laughing and I do too.

Suddenly I feel two people grab my arms and lift me up.

I turn around. Annie and Johanna.

"You better lie on bread than on liquor. Liquor is so wet and bread much softer," smiles Johanna.

I shake my head and turn around to Haymitch (who came up) and Peeta.

Haymitch coughs, "umm yeah .. where were we?"

''We were at the moment I would like to walk through,'' I sigh.

"But-" Peeta begins but I cut him off.

"No buts, I live here too so I can continue to walk!."

"Kitty kat is not very happy to see us, huh ," Haymitch coughs to Peeta.

I sigh and walk with much pushing between Peeta and Haymitch to the living room.

"O. .." I say surprised when I see the living room.

Everywhere in the living room are paper with wedding cakes on drawn.

"You see? You better listen to me next time," whispers Haymitch in my ear.

I hear Peeta sigh.

Have I ruined all of this thing? He so much wanted to do the wedding cake as a surprise, but no, I had to go and ruin it again.

I hope you think it's a nice chapter! If I have typos, please tell it to me! Please leave a comment about how you liked it and maybe with tips and ideas! x


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