Chapter 14 | Birthday

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Peeta's POV

I smile widely when Katniss puts an dandelion behind my ear.

"Thank you, sweetie," I chuckle.

"No problem," she gives me a quick kiss and than lays her head back in my lap.

It's a beautiful sunny spring day and Katniss and I decided to go on a picnic in de meadow.

It's the 29th of April what means it's only 9 days until my beautiful Katniss is gonna turn 22. I got her a beautiful necklace with a golden arrow with the word 'always' engraved in it.

I hope she likes it.

"Honey, what do you want for your birthday?" I ask, hoping she wants something special so I don't give her only a necklace.

"You," she whispers and kisses me.

I smile, "besides me."

"Hmmm... I don't really know anything, sweetie. I'm sorry."

I take the dandelion from behind my ear and roll it between my index finger and thump, "there must be something you want."

"Well," she starts, "there's something, but I don't want it yet. Maybe when we're one or two years older..."

"And what must that be," I say.

"A baby," she smiles.

I smile back and press her body against mine, "I love you so much, Katniss Mellark!"


9 days later.

"Happy birthday, my sweet, loving, beautiful and amazing Katniss," I whisper to Katniss.

"Thank you," she smiles and I kiss her.

She's so cute when she just wakes up. Her sleepy eyes and her brown hair, all messed up.

"You're cute."

"You too," she smiles and kisses my nose. "Wheres my birthday present?"

I chuckle, "Katniss! Where are your manners? You don't ask for your birthday present!"

"Oh Peeta, don't try to sound like Effie, that doesn't make anything better," she laughs.

"Alright," I say and get out of our bed. "I'm gonna make you breakfast and get your birthday present."


Sorry!! I know it's super super super short but I didn't update for a loooong while and the next view days I won't be able to 'cause tomorrow (April the second) is my birthday!!! 🎉🎉

I'm really excited and I hope I get what I asked ! 💕

Love you guy!

Please send me some ideas for this book, I don't really know what to write anymore 😥😬😘

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