Chapter 16 | Big news

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Katniss' POV

I walk through District 12, searching for a mug that says: #1 Daddy in the world.

Today I'm going to tell Peeta about the baby that's growing inside of me right now. Unfortunately, I'm not very creative and this is the most creative thing I could think of.

I look around and I smile when I see a shop with home accessories and that kind of stuff. I go inside and smile friendly to an old lady behind the counter. I guess she's the owner of this shop.

After a few minutes I still haven't found the perfect mug, so I decide to ask someone.

"Uhm... can I ask you something?" I ask to the old lady behind the counter.

"Yes, dear," she answers friendly.

"Do you sell mugs with a text that says something like best daddy in the world?"

"Yes, we do, I'm going to get one for you, sweetie," she says and walks away to the storage.


I nervously sit on the couch.

Peeta can be home any minute now and every second that goes by, I get more nervous.

After 10 minutes laying on the couch, thinking about being pregnant, I hear that someone opens the door.

"Sweetie! I'm home!"

I smile and get up, walking to the kitchen, "finally! You'd like some tea?" I say, hoping he says yes.

"That's sounds good," Peeta answers.

I hear him walking to the living room while I make some tea. I put the mugs on a tray and walk towards the living room where Peeta sits on the couch.

I kiss his lips softly and give him his mug.

I sit nervously next to him. I hope he doesn't notice.


"Yes?" I say, maybe a little too fast.

"What's wrong?" Peeta asks sweet.

"Nothing, honey."

"Don't lie to me."

"Alright, there is something. But I'm not gonna say what, if you want to know, you only have to read for a hint."

"What do I have to read?" He asks confused.

I think for a second, should I just say that he has to read what's on the mug?

"Hmm... put the mug down on the coffee table and than read what it says.

And so he does. His jaw is about to touch the ground and his eyeballs are about to fall out of his head.

"Are you kidding me?"

"No sweetie, you're going to be a daddy!" I smile and kiss his cheek.

He turns to me and lifts me off the couch, spins me around and puts me down again.

"You're going to be the best mommy ever," he smiles before our lips crash together.


Finally Peeta knows about his son / daughter!
I know these chapters aren't long but I hope you liked it! 💕
I won't update the next few days because I really don't have time for it. 😬😬
Hope you don't mind!

Love you! 😘

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