Chapter 18 | Family

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Katniss POV

Yesterday was the day we've found out what the gender is of our beautiful girl.

Peeta and I are very excited to have a baby girl on the way, even though I wanted to have a boy. Now, it doesn't matter anymore, I'm happy that I get a girl. I can braid her hair, teach her how to shoot with a bow and arrow if she wants to and Peeta can teach her how to bake and paint.

I have a feeling that I made the right decision on starting a family with Peeta, he always wanted to have children and now he is going to have them. Or one at least, I don't know if there are going to be more.

Today we're going to tell Haymitch, my mother and Effie about the baby. We didn't tell them earlier because we wanted to tell them all on the exact same time. And because Effie lives a busy life in the Capitol, she couldn't come sooner. We decided that we will tell Annie and Johanna soon. We haven't really had any time to call them and ask them for coming to 12.

My mom is very worried that's something is wrong with me because I said there is something Peeta and I want to tell her. She probably didn't think it could be some good news.

"Katniss! Honey, they're here!" Peeta calls from downstairs.

I quickly put on a dress that covers my baby bump a bit, but you can still see it.

I sigh. Well... They're going to find out any minute now.

I walk downstairs and find them sitting on the couch, talking.

"Katniss! Sweetie!" Effie stands up and walks over to me and gives me a hug. "You look so beautiful."

"Thank you, Effie," I say smiling.

"Alright," I look at Haymitch who begins to talk. "Sweetheart, tell us the thing you've called us over for."

I smile and sit on the empty spot next to my husband. I look at Peeta, "go ahead."

"Well... I've called you over to say that... um... I'm pregnant."

"What?" my mom stands up and a smile appears on her face. "Honey! That's amazing!"

I stand up and she gives me a hug, "I'm so happy for you. I love you so much," she says into my hair.

I smile, "I love you too."

When she pulls away she looks at my belly while I chuckle because of two people with their jaws almost on the ground.

"Effie, Haymitch, aren't you two excited for the little girl that's-" I quickly cover my mouth. Shit. Peeta and I wanted to keep the gender a secret.

"Girl?" My mom asks.

"Katniss! We were going to keep the gender secret!" Peeta a little too loud for my liking.

"Well I'm sorry mister always perfect!" I snap at him and give him a glare before I walk away, towards the meadow.


I sit down under the willow, which is in the middle of the meadow.

I start picking daisies and make a flower crown of it but when I'm done I feel a sort of a kick inside my belly. I gasp. My sweet little baby girl just kicked.

I place my hand on top of my belly and feel another soft kick. My lips form a smile and I begin to sing, "Deep in the meadow, under the willow. A bed of grass, a soft green pillow. Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes. And when again they open, the sun will rise. Here it's safe, here it's warm. Here the daisies guard you from every harm. Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true. Here is the place where I love you."

I stroke my belly one last time before I here someone clear his throat.

I turn around to see Haymitch standing a couple of steps away from me.

"Haymitch," I say.

"Hey, Katniss..." he comes closer and sits down next to me. "Why did you snap at Peeta and then walk away?"

"Well," I start and pause for a second to choose my words carefully. "I think I didn't like it when he said that we were to keep the gender a secret and I think that my hormones were bothering me."

I look up at Haymitch and a smile appears on his face while he takes my hand in his one, "I'm going to stop drinking so when you and Peeta want to make more babies, you can bring your little one to me, or your mom, and I will take care of her."

"Haymitch! That's amazing! Thank you so much!" I say and give him a hug.

"Well sweetheart, that's what family does for each other," he says before letting me hug him again.


Yesyesyes! Katniss is happy again!

Please comment me some suggestions and what you thoughts are of this chapter! Oh and of course don't forget to vote!

Love you! 😘✨💎

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