Chapter 20 | Happy Fathers Day

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Katniss' POV

Right now I'm 8 and a half months pregnant. I'm irritated by every little thing, cranky, tired and I can't stop eating.


"Yes, queen?" He laughs.

I give him a glare, "not funny."

"Why not? Look, I know you're pregnant but you're so funny how you act. You let me do anything while you just lay there, being cranky and eating everything we have."

"That's not funny!" Tears are forming in my eyes and I raise my voice a little. "I'm only pregnant for you, Peeta! NOT FOR MYSELF! If you didn't want to have children I didn't have this freaking child growing inside of me!"

He swallows deeply and turns around before walking away.

I get up as fast as I can but when I finally reach the front door, Peeta is no where to be found. He left the door wide open.

I immediately feel guilty and burst out in tears.

"I- I- I'm s- so so- sorry -y P- Peeta," I cry and slowly fall onto my knees.

I cry for what feels like hours until I feel a sharp pain in my lower abdomen and I let out a high pitched scream.

I open my eyes and see Haymitch running out of his house across ours.

"Haymitch!" I cry and scream. "Help me!"

"Shhshh.... what's going on sweetheart? Why are you here screaming and-"


His eyes grow wide and he takes me off the floor in his arms, "don't worry, Katniss. I'm going to make sure your daughter will be born safely!"


Peeta's POV

It's been two hours since I left Katniss at home. I know she didn't mean what she said about the baby, she was just being cranky and I don't blame her. I mean, she almost 9 months pregnant and-


What if she has gotten into labor when I left?

I immediately turn around and speed up my walking.

Please let everything be okay...

When I arrive at the victors village, the door of our house is still wide open, just like how I left it.

"Katniss?" I say, stepping into the house.

"Katniss, sweetie, I'm sorry..."

I don't get any response so I walk in further and see that Katniss left.

She can't walk upstairs without help so I don't have to look there.

What if she really has gotten into labor while I was gone? I need to go to the hospital!

I get out of my house and run towards the hospital.

"Can you please tell me if my wife, Katniss Mellark, is here?" I say, panting.

"Yes but-" the receptionist starts but I cut him off.

"Which room?" I say and wait inpatient on his answer.

"Ehm... 277."

"Thank you!" I say and sprint towards room number 277.

Katniss' POV

I squeeze hard in Haymitch his hand when I'm having another contraction.

"You're doing so great, sweetheart. Just a couple more hours and you'll be a mother." Haymitch says and strokes with his thumb over the back of my hand.

I immediately relax when the contraction is over and lay Haymitch his hand on my stomach. He smiles and I smile back at him.

When I hear someone clear his throat, I turn my head to the other side to see Peeta standing in the doorway.

"I'm sorry Katniss..." he says and I see tears forming in his eyes.

I smile and reach my hand out to him.

He walks up to my and takes my hand before sitting down on the chair next to my hospital bed.

I place his hand on top of Haymitch his hand and whisper, "happy Father's Day, Peeta."



I updated and I knoooow it isn't very good but it's the best I could make of it right now...

I'm really having some struggles at home with my brother and parents... I don't sleep very well of it and things like that BUT tomorrow is my last official school day, the next 2 weeks were going to do some fun things with school! After that, I'll be 2 weeks on summer holiday and I don't know if I update but I will write chapters so I can update when I'm back!

Hope you liked it,

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