Chapter 13 | A special box

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Katniss POV


I sit on our bed.

Looking through the book Peeta and I started a couple of your ago, which is now almost done.

I can't believe there's so much happened the last few years. Some good but mostly bad things, and if they're good, they're really good. Far away from the bad.

When I reach the page of our wedding, I stroke it softly with my fingers. I can't believe I'm married to Peeta.

There are 5 more empty pages left and I can't wait to see with what they're gonna be filled. Peeta hopes with a little family that exists out of me, him and 2 or 3 children.

But I still say no.

I can say that Peeta has changed my mind the last few months but I still don't want them. I'm still afraid to loose them and being a bad mother, because of the nightmares and my past. I don't want them to think I'm crazy or something. I wanna be a good mother, who isn't afraid of loosing them.

"Honey, I'm home!"

A smile appears on my face when I smell cheese buns, and I realize how hungry I am.

I sprint downstairs and attack Peeta with my body to jump on his back.

"Please say you have some nice cheese buns taken home," I whisper in his ear.

"You hungry?" he asks.

"Starving," I chuckle.

"It's your lucky day then!"

"Yes!" I say like a little girl and kiss his cheek before jumping off his back.


"Sweetie, I'm going to visit my mom, I'll be back before you're done with dinner," I say and kiss Peeta his cheek.

"Okay, but can I first get another kiss?"

I chuckle and kiss his soft lips.



"Bye honey!" I say and walk out of our house.

I begin walking towards my moms new house. I've only been there one time since she moved in there and it's very cosy.


I knock on the door of my moms house.

"Mom! It's me!"

She quickly opens it, "Katniss!" She gives me a hug and let me in her house.

"You want some tea, sweetie?" She asks.

"That sounds nice," I smile and sit on the kitchen table.

She gives me my tea and walks towards a box in the living room.

"For you," she smiles and places the box on my lap.

"What's it?" I ask.

"Open it."

My fingers slowly slide down to the bronze clasp and I open it to find tons and tones of paper with letters, drawing, writing and photos.

I look into my moms eyes, "it's dad's memory box, isn't it?"

"Yes, honey. I don't know why and how but when everyone started rebuilding 12, they found out that there's a big sort of storage under the justice building with a lot of boxes filled with things people wanted to keep. Just like your father did."

I take a paper with my dad's handwriting on it and begin reading.

Dear Katniss and Primrose,

I asked the mayor personally to keep this box safe until I'm not on this world anymore. This box is full of photos, letters and other things we three made.
I hope you two know that I'll always love you two, no matter what. You two, and your mom, are the only women that really count on this world. I would do anything to keep you safe. And even I'm not living anymore, I hope I will still keep you safe.
I don't know when you read this and if, but if I die before I get to meet your boyfriends / girlfriends / husbands / wives, say to them that they have to take care of you and I'll trust them, even if I didn't get to meet them.
Please know that I love you so much and I really hope I got to meet my grandchildren. If I didn't, say hi from me and show them some photos which are in this box.

Lots of kisses on your cheeks and noses,


Tears streaming down my face.

Dad was such an amazing person.

He never deserved to die.

And Prim didn't even. They were such great people.

Why is life always so unfair?

"You alright?" Mom asks and kneels beside me.

I nod and close the box, "thanks, mom. But how did this thing survive the war?"

"I don't know, sweetie. But I think you should go home, and look together with Peeta through all the things your dad put in this box."

"I love you, mom," I say, putting the box on the table and give her a hug.

"I love you too, Katniss."


Thank you for the sweet comments and votes! ❤️

My great-grandmother died 2 days ago so I don't really put much attention in this chapter.

I hope it's still good!

Love you guys 😘👌

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