Chapter 7 | It's time.

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Katniss POV

"Wake up ..."

I slowly open my eyes and be greeted by three colored faces above my head.

"Oh my goodness Katniss! Today is the big day and see how you look like!" Venia squeaks and they pull me into a sitting postition.

"Good morning to you," I say sarcastically while I rub my eyes.

If I suddenly see my wedding dress lying on a chair, and when I look next to me I don't see Peeta there, I realize that today is really my wedding day.

I jump out of bed and pull the door open, "I'm going to get breakfast, you guys wait here?!"

"But-" Flavius tries to stop me, but before he could finish his sentence, I sprint out the door to get breakfast downstairs.

Once I've finished running down the stairs, I run into someone and we fall together on the ground.

"Sweetheart, what a rush," Haymitch chuckles. "It's your wedding day so do quite relaxed."

"Haymitch ..." I sigh and get up. "What are you doing here? You should be with Peeta, right?"

"That boy is still fast asleep. I wanted to give him some rest, you should understand that," he says as he gets up.

I nod and smile at the idea of Peeta in a joyful dream of the day when he has been waiting for a long time.


--- 💎✨💕🎶🌟💍💗 ---

"Katniss please! You're making it worse. Relax. Within half an hour you're a Mellark and you don't have to worry about anything. You and Peeta are forever and always together. Believe me," Haymitch says me.

We stand at the gate of the victorsvillage, waiting for our cue that we may come to the meadow where Peeta and the rest are.

the sun goes slowly goes down and I get more and more nervous. Once we see a flash of light in the direction of the meadow, I could collapse of the nerves.

It's time.

--- ✨ ---

I'm truly sorry that I haven't updated in awhile. it's all because I have another Dutch story and I was so busy with that and being on a Christmas break trip.
Sorry but I swear i will update more! 🎄💎💖

Thank you for all those lovely comments on my previous chapters! I love them! 🙌😘💗✨

Well, I have one thing left to say and that's I wish you guys already a happy new year! I hope the best for you and may the odds be ever in your favor! 🙌🎆😘💗🎉🎶⭐️💕💎

I know all your secrets, and you know all of mine
You're always there to hold me up when I'm losing my mind
I wish that I was stronger so that I had more to give
I'll share everything I have and we'll find a way to live 🎤🎶⭐️

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