Chapter 24 | 'Conversation'

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Peetas POV

I open my eyes slowly and let out a deep sigh before I get out of bed without waking Katniss.

I walk out of Katniss' and I's bed room and go to the room where my 2 week old daughter is.

Her loud screams and cries fill the room and I walk over to her cot.

"Shhh... don't cry sweetie," I whisper and lift her out of her cot. I make myself comfortable in the chair in the corner of the room because I know this is going to be a long night.

I start to rock her back and forth and as usual she stops crying within a minute.

I open the window next to the chair a bit and turn on the light.

"You're so beautiful, Willow. You're just like your mother, within a few years all the boys want to be your boyfriend," I whisper. "But I'm not going to let them, if someone wants to be your boyfriend, or girlfriend, then he or she first needs to talk to me. I don't want you to end up with some boy or girl who is like me. They need to have self confidence and be respectful towards you, also needs to be loving, caring and is there for you when you're crying, hurting or when you just need someone."

Her big blue eyes stare at me and she wraps her little, chubby fingers around my pinkie. She moves a bit with her hand and finally manages to put my pinkie in her mouth.

She nibbles on my pinkie.

"Little bit hungry, my princess?" I smile at her and stroke her cheek with my other hand.

She makes some weird noises but then she starts to cry.

"Don't cry, Willow... I don't wanna wake up your mommy," I say and lift her up so her head rests on my shoulder. I walk out of the room and go downstairs where I put her in her crib.

I go to the kitchen and search for some breastfeed milk but after a minute or two, Willow stops crying. I rush over to the living room to see what happened but fortunately, it's Katniss

"You're very lucky to have a mommy like me and not only a daddy who doesn't know that he can't breastfeed a baby without breasts or breastfeed milk," Katniss says to Willow while breastfeeding her.

I chuckle and walk towards them.

"I didn't want to wake you, you haven't had much sleep the last couple of weeks," I says when I sit down next to Katniss. I put my arm around her shoulders and kiss her temple.

"I know..." she sighs. "But if my daughter is hungry and the only way to feed her right now is breastfeeding, than I don't worry about how much sleep I get."

"I love you."

"I hate you for not waking me up earlier but I love you."

"I was having a conversation with my daughter," I smile.

"What did she say?" Katniss laughs. "I can't wait till mommy wakes up and feeds me?"

I let out a chuckle, "yes, that's exactly what she said."

Katniss smiles.

I look down at my wedding ring and realize what day it is next week wednesday.



"Do you know what day it is next wednesday?"

She holds up her hand with her wedding ring, "of course I do!"

"Fine, because we're going to something really special," I smirk, knowing she doesn't like surprises.

"Where are we going to do, baby?" she asks as sweet as possible.


She sighs, "my life is full of surprises, so why not one more?"

"I'm sorry, honey."

Katniss giggles, "doesn't matter. I love you, baby."

"Love you, little bird."


Thank you guys sooooo much for all the comments on the previous chapter! 😘❤️

I know I already said it like 1000 times but you guys are amazing! ❤️

The next chapter is the last one but there is going to be sequel so don't worry 😘

And I know this is a bad chapter but I didn't know what to write...

Love you guys ! 😘😘

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