Chapter 11 | Our son?

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Thank you guys so much for the 5K ! 💗💗 I'm really thankful for you reading this fanfic! 💕

Katniss POV

I wake up by the sound of crying.

Who would that be? And why is this person in our house? I ask myself.

On my right side Peeta lays sleeping in a deep dream, he is smiling so I think it's a happy one.

I slowly get out of bed not trying to wake Peeta.

The first thing I notice when I stand up is that I'm a little dizzy and I feel like to throw up. I just try to ignore it but when I'm about to open the door of the room where the crying comes from, I can't hold back anymore and vomit all over the hallway.

What's happening to me?

"Kat- o god! Honey!" I feel Peeta his hand on my back, trying to calm me down.

"You alright?"

I turn around, "yeah... i probably ate something wrong," I answer.

"Ate something wrong?" Peeta laughs.

I give him a weird look. why is he laughing? I didn't say something wrong, did I?

"Sweetie you're pregnant with our son, how can you forget?"

It feel like the floor is turning into a black hole under my feet.





"Yeah... how could I forget?" I stammer.

"Alright babe, I'm gonna make us breakfast. Are you going to help Ivy with her clothes?"

And that's when everything went black.

My eyes shoot open.

It was a dream.

Just a dream.


I turn around to see Peeta his beautiful blue eyes in the sunlight that comes through the open window.

"Sort of," I say, almost melting by seeing his eyes. "Why aren't the curtains not closed?"

"Because I want to show district 4 how beautiful my wife is," Peeta says.

I give him a kiss, "I love you so much, you're the best husband I could wish."

"Thank you, baby. you're the most beautiful, amazing and sweetest woman that exists on this world. And I'm so lucky because I can say you're mine."

I blush at his words and give him another kiss. Softly but with passion.


It's the last day of our honeymoon and right now we're sitting on the beach.

I wish this honeymoon would last forever, but unfortunately it doesn't and when we get back to 12, it's all the same again.

Peeta has to go to the bakery and I have to sit on the couch, waiting for Peeta to come home.

"Were are your thoughts, sweetie? Peeta asks.

"Oh, ehm... look when we are back to 12, you have to work again and I'm sitting the whole day on he couch waiting for you to come home. And I don't like to do that so much," I say truthfully.

"I understand," he replies. "But I don't know what you can do to kill the time while I'm at work..."

I let out a deep sigh "I wish we don't have to leave this place tonight..."


I lay on the couch and listen to the voice of Caesar Flickerman, who's presenting Capitol Tv. He talks a little bit about what's happening in Panem and what's new in clothing.

I hate being on the train for such a long time. Luckily we have our own room, so we can do what we want.

I switch the tv of and close my eyes. Waiting for Peeta to lay with me on the couch or bring me to bed because I'm too lazy. But everything went black, even before I hear Peeta his footsteps.


Hope you liked it!

Sorry for such a long time no update, but I'm out of inspiration 😥😬✌️...

Again, thanks for the 5K, 💗

Love you! ✨

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