Chapter 15 | Its the truth

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Katniss POV

"I can do this", I whisper to myself.

I didn't tell Peeta but the last couple of days when he left to go to his bakery, I woke up with a sick feeling in my stomach and had to throw up. Yesterday I called Annie because I don't want Peeta to get worried if it isn't something bad. Annie said the only thing she could think of is that it can be morning sickness.

When those words reached my ear, I felt like I had to throw up again.

I know Peeta wants children so badly but I don't know if I want them too... I'm just too scared I think.

But now, I'm already sitting in the waiting room, waiting for my doctor to make an ultrasound.

"Katniss Mellark?"

I look up and see my doctor standing in the doorway.

I smile and stand up.

"This way please," he says.

He leads me to a room and ask me to sit down on a chair.

"Alright, Katniss... I heard you have a feeling you might be pregnant?" he asks when he sits opposite me at his desk.

I nod, "yes. The last couple of days I had to throw up in the morning, I didn't tell Peeta because I don't want him to worry about me if it isn't something bad. The next day when I threw up again, I called a friend who's a mother and she said I might be pregnant."

"Well let's make an ultrasound then," he smiles although I don't know why because I'm really, really, really scared.

I lay down on a very uncomfortable bed and wait for my doctor to say what I have to do.

"Katniss, would you please lift your shirt a bit?"

I nod and lift my dark blue shirt a bit.

"I'm gonna put some cold gel on your stomach, so don't be scared if it feels weird or something. It's just to make an ultrasound."

I nod and fake a smile. I don't know if I want a baby or not, I think I would be happy if I have it but I'm also scared if I'm pregnant and something happens to it.

"Would you be happy if your pregnant?" He asks.

I shrug, "I don't know. I know Peeta wants children so badly but I'm always the scared one, I'm scared if something happens to it and I kill it."

"You don't have to be scared, Katniss. I know what you mean, I was 28 and the war had just begun when my wife gave birth to our 3 daughters. I was so scared something would happen to them or me and my wife," he tells me while he takes something that looks like a scanner. "now, 4 years later, we're doing great. My daughters and wife are my everything, they make me forget about the war. If your only afraid to lose it, the reason is why you don't want children, I say you should have them. It's amazing."

"Thank you for that, you really changed my mind about having children. But can we please do the ultrasound? I have to be home before Peeta is."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, sorry," he laughs and goes with the scanner over my stomach.

He looks at the monitor while I wait anxiously for the results.

"Well Katniss, I hope you do want to have a child because your pregnant!" ,

What? I can't be pregnant, this can't be true...

Yes, it is truth,, I am pregnant.


Yes, yes! 💪
Our kitty kat is pregnant!

Hope you like it,
Please comment what you think of it and your ideas 👐☺️

Love you, 😘✨

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