Chapter 4 | Surprise part 2

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-Katniss POV-

I become careful, step by step, along taken by Peeta to the surprise he has for me.

After about thirty minutes walking to, Peeta stops walking. I have already in mind that we are in the woods.

I hear him take a deep breath, "I'll count to three and then you remove the blindfold from your eyes, okay?"

I nod, "okay."

"One ... Two ... Three ..."

I quickly pull the blindfold off and then see the most beautiful view I have ever seen.

I swallow. The lake where I always came with my father was the most beautiful place on earth, but now it's even better than it already was. And it is made by the most handsome, sweetest and most creative guy on earth. Peeta.

"Oh Peeta ..." I sigh and turn back to him. I put my hands on his cheeks and gently press my lips against his.

I feel his warm hands on my waist and slowly become the kiss better and with more passion. I pressed him against the tree behind him and my tongue slips into his mouth.

He let a moan of pleasure.

I giggle and pull apart.

"I love you, Peeta," I smile and let our foreheads rest against each other.

"I love you too, Katniss. But ... I actually had a picnic laid out so ..."

I look left and see a rug with all kinds og delicious food on it.

Peeta takes my hand and we sit on the rug. We start with the most delicious food I've had in my life.


We are at the water. I think about how much I love Peeta - and that's a lot.

Suddenly Peeta says, "I have something for you."

''What?'' I say curious.

He gives me a note from out of his pocket.


There is one thing I want to say.

That thing consists of four words.

Those four words, I just want to say to you.

To no one else except you.

So baby, turn around and I hope you listen to me.

I turn around with a smile back and to my surprise he is sitting on one knee in front of me.

"Dear, dear, dear Katniss," he begins, and grabs my left hand, "exactly five years ago, we met each other. Of course we knew each other for some time but that day we shook hands for the first time and we looked deep into each other the eyes. it was the most terrible day of my life, but it is also the best because it has brought me to where I am now. on one knee for the girl I'm in love with since I was five. So my dear Katniss Everdeen, would you like to change the last name of you and-"he grabs a box from his pocket and opens it. There is a beautiful silver ring with a tiny diamond in it.

Peeta takes a deep breath, "-Will you marry me?"

I still smile "Peeta ... Of course, of course I want to marry you!" I laugh.

"Really?" he smiles surprised.


He grabs the ring and slide it around my finger. It's beautiful.

I can not believe it. I'm engaged. Engaged with Peeta Mellark!

I pull him up and press my lips to his, "Oh, Peeta., I love you so so so so so much!"

sorry! I have not updated for a long time ... It is a very simple and logical answer: school.


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