Chapter 17 | Boy or a girl?

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Peeta's POV

"Katniss! Hurry up, sweetie! I wanna see our daughter!"

Today is the day we're going to find out what's the gender of our baby. I'm so excited because if it's a girl, I'm gonna paint one wall of the nursery like a meadow. But if it's a boy, I'm gonna paint a wall like the woods.

Katniss has a feeling that it's a boy but I have a super strong feeling that it's a girl. Not only because I want a mini Katniss running around the house, which would be super cute. But I also have a feeling that I'm going to be a daddy of a girl.

I wait by the front door while Katniss sprints downstairs. I take her hand and open the door.

"Why do you think it's girl?" Katniss asks.

"Huh? What do you mean? I don't think it's a girl that's right now growing inside of you."

"But you just said-"

"Katniss, honey, I know it's a girl," I say smiling. "I know that because I'm smart."

"Oh, you think you're smarter than me? Well I know I'm smarter than you because it's a boy."

Wait what, did she already find out?

"What? Did you-"

"No, of course not blockhead. I'm not going to find out what the gender of my baby is without its daddy and my sweet husband."

I smile at her, "I love you, honey."

"I love you," she says and kisses my cheek before we walk any step further.


"Katniss Mellark?"

We stand up from our chairs and walk hand in hand to a woman I've never met or seen before. Probably Katniss her midwife.

"Hi, I'm Claire and you must be Peeta, right?" she says and shakes my hand.

"That's right," I say.

"Well, let's go and find out what's the gender of your beautiful baby."

Katniss and I follow her hand in hand to a room with a desk, some chairs, a bed and aperture I've never seen before. I sit down next to Katniss and Claire sits on the other side of her desk.

"So Katniss, how've you been feeling the last couple of weeks," Claire asks, smiling.

"Well... I've been feeling really good, even though the morning sickness bothers me a lot, but we're doing great," Katniss answers.

"Yes, she's right, we're doing great," I say, hoping that Katniss will smile at me so I can see her beautiful face and smile.

"Uhm Peeta... I don't know we're you are babbling about but I was talking about me and our son."

I blush and smile nervously, "yes I was too but-"

Suddenly Katniss and Claire are laughing.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" I ask, a little embarrassed because I don't know what's going on.

"No, no, sweetie. You're just being cute," Katniss says and kisses my lips.

"Alright, shall we find out the gender and check up on the baby?"

"Yes!" I say, excited.

We get up and walk to the bed where Katniss has to lay down.

"Katniss, please lift your shirt a bit."

Before Katniss could have anything, I lift her shirt and give her belly a kiss.

"Peeta, can I borrow Katniss her stomach for a couple of minutes? After that you can give it as much kisses as you want to," Claire says, ready to make the ultrasound.

She puts some gel on Katniss her stomach and it gives her already goosebumps because it's cold.

I take her hand and rub my thumb over the back of her hand.

Suddenly, a black and grayish screen comes up on the monitor next to the bed and I feel my eyes already tearing up.

"That's our baby..." I manage to get out. I dry my tears and give Katniss a kiss while we're waiting for Claire to say what's the gender.

"Katniss? Peeta?"

"Yes?" say, both at the same time.

"Peeta, I have to say that you can start with your meadow because your and your wife are expecting a beautiful baby girl!" Claire exclaims.

I was right...

We're having a girl.


Wow! That chapter took me long to write! I hope you guys enjoyed it, even though there wasn't much of a 'story' in this chapter.

So they are getting a baby girl! I hope you like it that I stay 'close' to the book with the children (for now! There may be some changes in the future but now I'm planning on staying close to the book).

Please comment name suggestions, I would really appreciate that!

Love you, ! 😘

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