Chapter 19 | You are worth it to me

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Katniss' POV

It's almost 2 weeks later and right now, we're in the Capitol to do an interview with Caesar Flickerman.

I look into the mirror. I see a fat and ugly women. The dress she wears is gorgeous but on her, it's awful.

I put my head in my hands, "why am I so ugly." Tears drop into my hands.

I stand there for about a minute or two when someone wraps their arms around my belly, I jump a little forward but when I put my hands down and look into the mirror, it's Peeta.

"Honey, you're not ugly," he says, kissing my cheek.

"I am."

He presses his chest against my back and his hands rest on my baby bump while we both look into the mirror. I focus on Peeta and notice he wears a black tux with a dark blue tie that matches with my dark blue dress. Oh god, he looks so good in it.


"Huh, what?" I ask a little confused while I wipe away my tears.

He chuckles, "I asked you why you think that."

I think for a second, "well... I'm fat, I have scars, I'm stupid, I'm a murderer and I'm worthless."

"Oh honey... I really hope you don't really mean it. I hope you don't really feel that way about yourself," he says, turning me around and hugging me. "because you're not fat, your pregnant with a beautiful baby girl. You have scars because you fought for freedom, whole Panem is free and happy because of you, Katniss! Why would you ever be stupid if you led the rebels through the war and won? You're not a murderer, you're a fighter. A fighter who always fights for the right things. Not anything bad. And one last thing, you aren't worthless. Maybe you need to ask a dictionary for your next birthday because I don't know if you really know the meaning of worthless-"

"I do know it and I'm it," I cut him off and try to turn around but before i manage to, he crashes his lips onto mines and cups my face with his hands.

"You are worth it to me, Katniss," He says when he pulls away. "And that won't ever change because I love you, forever and always."

I press my forehead against his chest, "I'm so happy that this is our life, Peeta. I'm so so so lucky to have you as my husband and the dad of my first child, our first child. I love you so much"

"I love you and our baby so much," he says and kisses the top of my head.


"Ladies and gentleman... today is maybe one of the most special days ever in the history of the interviews I've done," Caesar says. "There are two people who you all know very well... Lets hear it for Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark!"

We get a big applause when we step up the stage but when everyone can see my full body, they all stop.

"K- kat- Katniss..." Caesar stutters.

Peeta and I walk over to Caesar and shake his hand before we sit on the love seat next to him.

"Don't be scared, Caesar. I'm just a 24 weeks pregnant women. Oh and maybe you have to change my documents here in the Capitol because I'm not an Everdeen anymore, I'm a Mellark," I smile proudly, showing off my wedding ring.

Peeta puts his arm around me and gives me a little kiss on my temple.

The whole crowd aww's.

"Wow Katniss, that's... that's... That's amazing! Do you know the gender already?"

I look at Peeta and shake my head.

"Yes, we do know it. But, we won't tell it until it's born," Peeta says with worlds biggest smile on his face. And I don't blame him, he waited so long to say the he's going to be a daddy. Plus he gets a daughter, which he wanted so badly.

"Peeta, how did Katniss tell you the amazing news? Did she just say it or a little more special?"

"Well, Caesar, it was the most perfect way. The day she found out, I was at work in the bakery and when I came back, she asked me if I wanted a cup of tea. I said yes and when she gave me my mug, I realized something was bothering her but she wouldn't tell me what. She said I had to read what's on the mug and when I did it said number one daddy or something like that," Peeta tells very proud.

"That's really creative of you, Katniss. I bet there are going to be thousand women's in Panem who are going to do the same thing you did, so people who own shops which sell mugs with texts like that, be sure you have a lot of them!" Caesar says laughing to the crowd and to people at home who are watching.

After a couple of questions later, there is a silence that makes me feel uncomfortable. Like all eyes are focused on me. Not that they didn't the whole interview, but you know what I mean.

"Well, Katniss and Peeta... I don't know anything to say anymore. At home, I wrote thousand questions to ask you but now, I've forgotten them all."

"Don't worry Caesar, it doesn't matter," I say.

"Hmm... Alright. But can I ask you one more question?"

"Of course, thats why we are here."

"Do you want more children in the future?"

I look at Peeta and Peeta looks at me.

"I- I don't know, Caesar. I only know now that I'm pregnant and happy. I think we will have to see what the future brings."

"Alright," Caesar sighs and wishes us good luck with the rest of the pregnancy before we walk off stage.


I posted a new story which is called: Forever.

Obliviously it's an Everlark story and I don't mind if you are going to check it out! The prologue is already up so please let me know what you think of it and if I should finish it! <3

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