Chapter 21 | The birth

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Katniss' POV

Right now I've been 6 hours in labor and I'm getting sick of it. Literally and figuratively.

"I can't believe there's still something left in your stomach, besides a baby then. You've thrown up at least 10 times now," Haymitch says while getting me a glass of water after throwing up again.

"Thanks Haymitch," I say and drink the water.

"Your mom is on her way, Katniss," Peeta says when he returns from calling my mom. "How are you feeling, honey?"

"I don't know... tired and nauseous, I guess..."

Peeta smiles sadly and sits on the chair next to the bed. He takes my hand, "if you're having a contraction, please squeeze my hand as hard as you want."

I nod and squeeze his hand immediately.

After a few seconds, I get the feeling I have to throw up but because I'm having a contraction, I'm not paying attention and I don't ask for something to throw up in so I vomit all over the bed and myself.

"Katniss!" Haymitch and Peeta say at the same time.

"Please, get a nurse..." I mange to get out without retching over the smell of my own vomit.

"Haymitch, get a nurse. I'm going to clean her a bit up," Peeta commands and gets up to get a towel from the bathroom.

Haymitch walks out to get a nurse and a few seconds later, Peeta walks back in.

"I'm going to clean you up a bit, yeah?" he says softly.

I nod and he starts to wipe softly the vomit from my face.

"I'm so sorry what happened-"

"Shh..." I cut him off. "Peeta, please, don't be sorry. I know you didn't mean it like I thought, I was just being cranky. Oh and what I said about that I'm only pregnant because you want a child, I didn't mean that either. I also want this child, honey."

He smiles at me and kisses my forehead, probably because that's almost the only 'clean' part of my face.

I smirk at him, "I can't believe you just did that."

"Did what?" He asks, confused.

"Kissing me on my forehead instead on my lips, only because I just vomited."

"Oh you think that I ehm..." he says nervously and I know I got him.

"Hah! I got you! I'd always knew you're a bad liar and-"

He cuts me off with his lips, "sometimes you're being so stupid, sweetie. I can't believe you really thought I don't want to kiss my wife on her lips even if she just threw up."

I smile at him, "I love you so much, Peeta."

"I love you too, little bird."


"Katniss, your mom is here," Haymitch says from the other side of the door.

I'm enjoying a warm bath and a neck massage from Peeta because he thought I deserved it after being almost 8 and a half hours in labor and not even being 7 centimeters dilated.

"Tell her that I'm done in 20 minutes," I reply. "Peeta, sweetie, thanks for the massage but I wanna go out of the bath."

"Alright," he says and helps me out of the bathtub. He takes a towel and dries my body very softly and helps me putting my hospital gown on.

I kiss give him a kiss on his lips and he puts his hands on my big baby bump.

He opens the door for me and helps me fast but careful in my hospital bed.

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