Chapter 12

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        As soon as Mama walked back into the house, I took a deep breath. I wasn't expecting Isaiah and and his mother to come over today, but I really wasn't expecting Mama and Daddy to be home either. Just a few days ago, they were saying they both had other things to do. That's why I invited John over so the two of us could talk about what happened a few weeks ago when Nathan caught us in the backyard. Since that night, John and I haven't really talked and I miss him. A lot.

        But my plans of talking to him were ruined when Mama dragged Isaiah out of the house and dumped him out here with me. He's the last person I wanted to see today, or take care of today. I don't have time to baby sit my 17 year old brother. 

        "That's your brother?" Asia whispered, looking in his direction.

        I nodded my head. "Yeah."

        "Damn," she smiled, fluffing out her curly hair. "You mind if I talk to him?"

        I scrunched up my face. "No, you can't talk to my brother. I already told you he's off limits."

        "No, you said Mr. Reed's off limits, but you said nothing about Isaiah. Come on Lindsey, chill girl and let me talk to him. I hooked you up with Jordan's crew, this is the least you could do to repay me."

        I sighed. "Fine, you can talk to him but if his rude ass rejects you, don't say I ain't warn you. And keep him occupied. I gotta talk to John."

        Asia smiled as she jumped around, keeping a firm grip on my arm. "I'm waaaay ahead of you girl!" she exclaimed as she ran off to Isaiah.

        I turned to John and put a smile on my face, only to make him a little more comfortable but I knew he wasn't having it. I knew he had been ignoring my calls and texts the past few weeks because I made him uncomfortable. All the two of us are is friends that sleep together, nothing more and nothing less. I broke that sacred bond the two of us shared. I over stepped my boundaries as his fuck buddy, and I need to try getting back to what we used to be before I ruin everything I've created.

        "Can we talk?" I asked, trying to grab his hand but he pushed me away.

        "We can talk, but don't touch me."

        I led John to the other end of the pool, so we could be alone. Sonya, Asia, and Isaiah sat at the other end of the pool, away from us. I tried grabbing John's hand one more time, but he pushed my hands away again. I knew he was upset that I overstepped my boundaries, but he didn't have to act like this. "Can you stop acting like that?" I sighed.

        "Nah, since when was I your boyfriend?"

        "You're not."

        "Then why you tell your parents that I was?"

        "Because," I mumbled.

        "Why? You scared of them or something? I been told you to stop acting like you scared of your parents and tell them what's up."

        "How was I supposed to lie to them like that?"

        "You lie any other time, what's so different now? Look, all I'm tryna be is your friend, that's all," he sighed. "I never even got the chance to tell you this the last time we spoke, but I'm seeing somebody right now."

        I frowned as I folded my arms across my chest. "Who is she?"

        "A girl I met at school a few months ago. We live in the same building, so we been seeing each other a lot more frequently now. We've been going out during the week and things are going good between me and her."

Until the End of Time (Urban) Book 6 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now