Chapter 33

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I'm glad I listened to Mama and Daddy about talking to the preacher's son, Andre. I've known him for years since we've been coming to this church with Grandma and Grandpa since before I could even remember. I always thought he was cute, but never decided to give him a second glance until Daddy told me to.

Andre was about 6"2, skinny and had the most beautiful chocolate-looking skin I could think of. But besides that, he had a gorgeous smile and personality to top it off. The best part about Andre was that Daddy recommended him, so Daddy automatically approved of him, which was amazing. Getting Daddy to like my male friends has always been hard, but at least he knows and likes Andre so I don't even have to go through what I went through with Jordan, who I still have to officially break up with.

But the Jordan story is completely easy, seeing as though I still have to end things with John. Mama and Daddy know nothing about John, and that's how I plan on keeping it, but I still need to end things with him. Andre is too sweet of a guy to play with somebody like John, who can give less than a damn about me and my relationship with Andre.

"So, how can I go about getting your number?" Andre asked as he walked me up to Daddy's car, out in the church parking lot.

I don't know what Mama, Daddy and Grandpa were talking about earlier int he sanctuary but things seemed pretty serious, so I entertained Andre for as long as I could, even though it was extremely easy. And it was even easier to get those thots away from him. As soon as I walked up to Andre those girls dispersed and made their way to other areas of the church, hopefully to get cleansed for all the sinning they'e been doing.

"Only under one condition," I began.

"What's up?"

"Tell me when we can hang out," I said, causing him to laugh.


I nodded my head. "Alright," I said, sticking my hand out for his phone. "Give me your phone."

He smiled before reaching down into his pocket and pulling out his phone. I saved my number inside of his phone just as Daddy climbed out of the car.

"What's up Mr. Parker?" Daddy asked, sticking his hand out to Andre and firmly shaking it.

"Hey Mr. Reed. How are you?" Andre asked.

"Just fine. You tryna talk to my baby girl now? You already know she's a c-"

"Child of God," Andre nodded his head. "I already know Mr. Reed. You and Mr. McDonald tell me and like everybody at the church all the time, but we're just friends. I wanted to ask your permission to hang out with her."

Daddy folded his arms. "When and are there gonna be chaperons?"

I rolled my eyes. "Daddy, stop it, please. You're embarrassing me," I said, trying to push him back into the car but he pushed my hands off of him and pulled me behind him so I couldn't have a voice in this ridiculous conversation.

"Um, no there aren't gonna be any chaperons, sir. But Saturday, is that all right?"

"I guess. I still think you two are a little young to be hanging out by yourselves. How 'bout I join y'all?" Daddy smiled.

"No!" I exclaimed, because I knew Daddy wasn't playing. I knew he was serious about trying to come hang out with us, but I wasn't gonna have it. Daddy's definitely not hanging out with us. We're too old for chaperons.

Daddy laughed. "Man, I know y'all don't need any chaperons but let me find out you tryna do something to my daughter and it's gonna be me and you Andre, you got it?"

Until the End of Time (Urban) Book 6 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now