Chapter 7

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        I closed my car door and stood up against the back of the school Victoria worked at. When I took her phone, I texted that little nigga, pretending to be Victoria, and told him to meet me here at 6:35 on the dot. It's 6:37 and I still don't see him here. I looked down at the vibrating phone in my hands, and hoped to see that little nigga texting me, but it was only from Victoria, who was using the house phone.

        "What's up?" I asked, looking around the dark, empty streets.

        "Where are you?"

        "I told you I was going out. Why you sweatin' me?"

        "Because you just up and left and I've been calling you for the past hour and this is the first time you decided to pick up my phone. You know, you've really got some nerve taking my shit Theodore."

        "Well you shouldn't have been talking to that lil' nigga. You lost your damn phone privileges. You shoulda be glad I ain't take away your driving and working privileges."

        Victoria laughed, clearly upset. "My driving and working privileges? You must be out of your damn mind. I work so you can't take my shit away from me. Where ever you are, you better hurry on back home with my damn phone before I have to go out and find you. And don't do anything stupid either."

        "Stupid like saying something to that lil' nigga? Yeah, I wont do that," I sarcastically replied. "I should kill his ass."

        "Then go on to jail if you wanna kill him."

        "Who's gon' support you and my kids when I do?"

        "Me. I've got my own job nigga, so I won't have to be dependent upon you," she replied. "You must have really lost your damn mind tonight Theodore."

        "I lost my mind Victoria? How about you talking to other niggas. You cheating on me, but gon' put the blame on me like I did something? I been loyal to yo' ass!"

        "And I have too! I never did anything to hurt you and I've never cheated on you before! I've been loyal, period. You're the one that cheated on me back in college and got some hoe pregnant. I've never cheated on you and I've never hurt you like you've hurt me. One little boy was trying to hit on me, but I stopped it as soon as I found out it was happening. I didn't give him my number and I damn sure don't know how he got it. Don't blame this on me when I haven't done anything."

        "Obviously you haven't done shit, 'cause if you did, this little bitch wouldn't be blowing up your phone. You haven't done shit Victoria."

        She sighed. "Alright, whatever. I don't have some child off in Ohio that I don't associate with, that's you! You're the one that can't handle his business."

        "Yo' ass steady bringing up shit from the past 'cause I ain't done shit recently."

        "Neither have I. How is some little boy hitting on me my fault? That's not even fair to blame that on me," she exclaimed, when I saw head lights pulling up into the parking lot.

        "Look, I got some business to take care of but when I get back home, you better have some breakfast cooked woman."

        "Get'cho life Theodore. I'm not making breakfast for you and don't talk to me like you're some fucking woman beater. You know I'll beat your ass."

        "Alright, husband beater," I smirked.

        "I can't stand you. Bring my damn phone back!" she exclaimed before I hung up on her.

Until the End of Time (Urban) Book 6 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now