Chapter 37

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Mama stood up from her seat in Grandma's hospital room and grabbed her bag. "I'll be back," she said as she quickly walked out of the hospital room, leaving only me, Grandma and Grandpa.

Grandma's been in the hospital for the past three days because she broke her leg when she was fighting with Uncle E.J. I understand he was mad at her, but he shouldn't let his anger take that much control over him that he had to slam his mother on the ground and cause her to break her leg. That's just not cool, especially since he just disappeared. After he stormed out of Grandma and Grandpa's house, nobody's seen or heard from him or even Christine. But through all of this Grandpa hasn't left Grandma's side. He's been trying to sneak and stay here every single night to keep her company. The security had to escort him out of the room the first night, but he's stayed every since.

"How's your leg Grandma?" I asked.

Grandpa lifted his head up. "It would be better if your bitch ass uncle didn't push her down like some fuckin' doll. I swear I'mma body that kid the next time I see his bitch ass. I'm tired of that punk. And he does this to my Fine Ass Sincere then disappears like somebody's personally victimizing him or something," Grandpa smacked his teeth. "I'm gonna personally victimize his ass the next time I see him."

Grandma smiled. "Effrin calm down, I'm fine. I got a few words for Baby the next time I see him, but I don't even wanna talk about that right now because it's not important. What's important is me getting better and I feel fine."

"But your leg's not fine Fine Ass Sincere," Grandpa said, pointing to Grandma's right leg that was in a cast, "how we gonna fuck and your leg's all banged up?"

I scrunched up my face, just imagining the two of them still having sex. I can't even imagine my parents having sex, let alone my grandparents who probably get it on more than anybody I even know.

Grandma laughed. "Effrin stop it. You know we're gonna be able to do just about anything. Remember when you got shot in your arm and had to wear that cast for like three months when we were younger? Remember that?"

Grandpa chuckled. "Hell yeah. That lil' nigga Quan or Russell, or whatever his name was, was dating you and shot me. I forgot about that."

"And you forgot about how we still slept together even when your arm was broken?" Grandma smiled. "This broken leg isn't gonna slow me down one bit Effrin. It's gonna make things so much easier. Now I really have an excuse for your old ass to carry me up the steps."

I laughed. "Grandpa's gonna break his back trying to carry you up the steps Grandma."

Grandma rolled her neck in my direction when I said that. "First of all, I'm not fat baby girl and your Grandpa has done it before and he can do it again if I ask him to because WWJD Effrin? He'd carry his fragile wife up the steps because she's cripple and old, right?"

Grandpa just sighed and nodded his head, because he knew he couldn't deny what Grandma was saying about Jesus. Grandma always seemed to throw around the 'What What Jesus Do?' factor when ever she wanted something from Grandpa, but he always seemed to fall for it. And even though he was complaining about how he wasn't going to carry her up the steps, I knew he really didn't mean it. Grandpa loves Grandma and will do just about anything for her, even put his life out on the line for her. That's why I admire their relationship so much.

Just looking at Grandma and Grandpa made me want to call up Andre and see how he's doing. Ever since Grandma's been in the hospital, I really haven't been using my phone. I've just been super concerned about her health that I haven't even thought about looking at my phone that had been vibrating in my pocket all day long.

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