Chapter 31

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The psychic let go of my hands and sat back so I could take in everything she had just explained to me. It took her over a week to explain this entire story to me about how I was slowly beginning to ruin my life by being too involved with Jordan, and my students in general.

The two of us got in contact four weeks ago. I didn't contact her, she contacted me claiming how she could feel negativity in my life. I thought she was weird until I sat down with my psychiatrist, who explained that I should look into speaking to the psychic since I wasn't listening to her. My psychiatrist said that it would be to my benefit to at least let her explain to me what's going to happen in my future if I don't stop these feelings I've got for Jordan.

I've been coming to see the psychic almost everyday for the past four weeks, along with my psychiatrist. My psychiatrist likes to sit in with my visits to the medium so she can explain and put some type of knowledge into these problems I've been having. At first, I didn't believe anything my psychiatrist was telling me until I came to see the medium, who was very descriptive with her long, melodramatic story of the next few months of my life.

And I didn't believe the medium at first. I didn't believe her when she was trying to tell me about my life when she knew nothing of me; I thought it was pretty strange, actually. But things started to get really strange when she started telling me things that I didn't know about myself and my family, but found out were true after I asked my Mom.

She told me how my actions would just cause history to repeat itself. My Mom slept around, I was sleeping around and then Lindsey would follow after our steps and just create a bad cycle. But I wanted to stop that cycle. I didn't want to sleep around when I'm happy with my husband and I damn sure didn't want my daughter to sleep around either.

I've made mistakes in my life that I regret, but sleeping around on Teddy won't be one of those mistakes. And I don't want to put my kids through something like that or my parents or even my brothers. My parents were far too old to be going through something so dramatic. I'm sure they could deal with it, but I don't think they'd do so great in jail. Daddy would end up killing someone before him and Mama go to jail. And my brothers. I can't even imagine how they'd be with all of us being in jail.

And I love my kids and my husband. I love my family so much and would never do anything to hurt them, like lash out against Lindsey and blackmail her in order to keep my infidelity hidden. And I love Teddy too much to let him walk away from me and leave me with nothing. I love him too much to let what I've worked all of my life for to just be able to walk away, and be gone just like that. I wouldn't let my family walk away from me. I love them all too much.

"So, is Luther dead?" I finally spoke up.

Madame Laroux, the psychic, looked up from her tarot cards that were neatly spread over the table we we sitting around. "It seems to me that he is still alive."

"How? I-I thought my D-"

Madame Laroux shook her head. "You thought your Dad did what? Killed him? No."

"B-But I keyed his neck. I saw blood, he stopped moving. I thought he had died."

"He was unconscious and in a state of shock for a few brief moments after it happened, but he never died."

"How can you just be unconscious after getting slit in the throat? He should have died since I slit him in the right spot. That doesn't make any sense," I exclaimed.

When she was telling me the story, I knew it would be my future but I didn't think Luther would really be alive still. How could he possibly still be alive after something so dramatic happened to him? He should be dead. You can't just be unconscious after getting slit in the throat.

Until the End of Time (Urban) Book 6 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now