Chapter 35

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We ended up spending the rest of the night over Mama and Daddy's house. I don't know what time their wild party ended but by three in the morning, I was done partying and just wanted to sleep. So, me, Teddy and the kids crashed upstairs in one of the guest bedrooms and I think Baby and Deonte even stayed over too. I just want to know how this party ended last night.

It was early Saturday morning around 10 AM, and after a party like last night, I knew the only two people crazy enough to get up extra early to go to early service was Mama and Daddy. I heard them leaving this morning around seven for church, and that's when I got up to start getting ready for the day but Teddy followed me into the bathroom.

I grabbed a hold of Teddy's wet hands and pulled him under the shower head with me, just letting the hot water drip down our bodies. I held him close to me, so close that I could feel his third leg jumping up against my thigh. I reached down and grabbed his jumpy manhood and began stroking him with long, soft strokes.

"I want you to fuck me," I demanded.

My face slammed into the wall once Teddy flipped me over and pulled my right leg up so he could ease his ten inches inside of me. My walls began clenching together the minute he began inserting himself into me, but he easily slipped right inside of me after that since this was round two of the sex we've both been needing for weeks. It seems like it's been forever since we last slept together, so it feels amazing right now.

Teddy's large hands grabbed a hold of my small waist and began pounding into my moist cave. I was trying to keep my hands balanced against the wall of the shower, but they were sliding and my knees were beginning to buckle below me. I could have dropped at this point but Teddy made it his mission to keep me up right so he could continue laying the wood.

"Faster. Please, faster," I begged, trying to look back at him, but he grabbed a huge chunk of my wet hair and pulled me back so the water was running down my face.

"Faster?" he asked, looking down at the way his manhood slowly slid in and out of my cave. "Faster? Faster, what? What's my name?"

"Teddy," I moaned, trying to push myself back on him, but it was no use. Teddy knew what he was doing to me and he knew it was making me feel good. He used his other hand to stop me from moving beneath him, and that made me angry especially since he was continuously getting slower each time he stroked his Mandingo inside of me.

"Teddy please," I begged, trying to move against him but he wouldn't let me.

"Say my name," I demanded.

"Teddy," I opened my mouth to call his name again but instead of words coming out, I began moaning since he pulled all the way out of me. "Put it back in. Put it back in!" I begged, trying to feel behind me for his manhood, but it was no use since he slammed right back inside of me, but still continued to go slow.

I decided it was time to take things into my own hands since he wanted to be stingy with what he's packing down low. With him still inside of me, I moved around and grabbed the shower rod to hold myself up. I pulled myself up on the shower rod, in hopes of it not collapsing on me, and began bouncing up and down on him as if I was Mimi from Love and Hip Hop Atlanta.

I wrapped my legs around his ways and continuously sped up until I felt my legs beginning to buckle beneath me again.

"What's my name?" Teddy asked again, as he held on to my waist. "What's my name ma?"

"Theodore," I groaned through clenched teeth.

Teddy smirked and began thrusting himself into me at top speed. My hands slowly began falling from the shower rod. I couldn't hold myself up any longer, but luckily Theodore grabbed a hold of my back and slammed my body up against the cold, wet shower walls and continued to pound in and out of my sore cave.

Until the End of Time (Urban) Book 6 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now