Chapter 32

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Victoria dragged me off to see her psychiatrist and the psychic the next day. Victoria was comfortable throughout this entire encounter but I just felt weird. It didn't feel normal to have this woman looking into a crystal ball, spreading tarot cards across the table and trying to read our palms. I felt out of place in this situation.

Alexis Rhodes, the psychiatrist stuck her hand out towards me. "Hi Mr. Reed, it's so good to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you."

I shook her hand. "Good things, I hope," I said, looking over at Victoria.

I was still upset with her about last night. I hate how she pulled me away from that kid, even though she had a good reason to. All I wanted to do was to be able to lay hands on him, just one time. I wouldn't seriously injure him, but I'd at least be able to get my point across. But I'm mainly pissed off that she kissed that kid. She may not have initiated the kiss but she kept it going and she had to feed into his games in order for him to even cross that line and allow him to think it was all right to kiss her. She can continue denying it as long as she wants, but I know she played a major role in it just like that kid.

Alexis smiled. "Of course, always good things. I don't know how upset you are with her but I know she loves you. She talks about you during every one of our meetings and I know her love for you is unconditional. You may be upset with her, but I'm hoping you'll find it in your heart to be able to forgive her. She made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes and she feels awful about it. Just find it in your heart to forgive her."

I looked in between Alexis and Victoria, who were both waiting on me to respond. Yeah, it was just a kiss but regardless, she still cheated on me. It's not as bad a her sleeping around but it still hurts. The pain is still there. She might have pushed the kid off of her this time, but what happens when the two of us get to arguing again? Is she going to go out and kiss another man, hide it for weeks, then take me to some shrink with her to justify how wrong she was?

And it's not like this is the first time she's kissed someone else. She kissed Randy back in high school. How many people is she going to kiss until I finally say enough is enough and not forgive her? Now, if that was me, she would have bought her Dad and brothers up here to kick my ass, kick me out of my house, and turn everybody I know against me.

"Teddy's not the type to just forgive somebody off the back. He needs some time to think," Victoria explained, "but I want you to forgive me Teddy. I know I messed up, but there's far worse in our future if you don't forgive me and try looking past this for the sake of our family and our relationship."

I sighed. "What else is going on?"

"Luther's back."

I kissed my teeth. "No he's not. He's dead. Your Dad...," I paused as I took a look between the psychiatrist and the psychic.

"We already know," Alexis assured me. "And this is a closed session. I can't go back and tell anything you all say right now. Whatever happens during this session, stays between the four of us."

"Well, your Dad killed him so there's no way he could still be alive after all of these years."

"He's alive. I saw it," Madame Lareaux stated.

"It's been 17 years."

Madame Lareaux nodded her head. "Yes, I know but he's been plotting for 17 years about getting his revenge. Victoria's father's workers thought they killed him by setting his body on fire, but he miraculously survived the fire. He was rescued by the police and then taken to jail since there was a warrant out for his arrest at the time. He did his time in jail, where he was allowed time to think and devise a plan against your family. Yes, it's been a long time but he's had time to prepare himself for the past 17 years."

Until the End of Time (Urban) Book 6 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now