Chapter 23

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        The plane ride was the worst part about this vacation. Six hours. That's how long the ride was, but that didn't include getting everyone situated before and after we landed. But that still didn't include us having to ride in a jeep to our beach house. That took over an hour, but thankfully, we were finally here and ready to explore the island, well I know I am.

        All of us are excited for the trip, except for Mama. She's had her headphones in the entire time and even refused to sit next to Daddy on the plane, but that didn't stop the rest of us from having a good time. Even though I don't really care for Miss. Charlotte, she still acted as if she was apart of this family and didn't cause any trouble like she normally does. Even Isaiah talked to Daddy in a civilized manner. All of us were enjoying ourselves except for Mama.

        "Alright," Daddy said as he unlocked the doors to the beach house we were staying in. "There's five rooms in the house. Me and Victoria are sharing, Lindsey and Av are sharing, T3, Isaiah and Abacus are all sharing a room, Charlotte, Paris and Charmaine are sharing, and Gregory and Nathan are sharing. The keys to the rooms are hanging up as soon as you walk in. You all grab your keys and go upstairs to the rooms while Nathan and Gregory unload our luggage."

        I was standing right behind Daddy, so as soon as he moved out of the way I walked straight inside of the lavish home. I couldn't even take in the beauty of the house because I was just rushing to grab the key with me and Ava's name on it, so I could get to the biggest room for us.

        "And before you go running up the steps Lindsey," Daddy began, causing me to cease any further movement. "All of the rooms are labeled with your names on them. All of the rooms are pretty much equal in size."

        I still continued up the spiral staircase and walked inside of the room Ava and I were sharing. "Wow," I mumbled, taking in the wide doors adjacent to me. The doors showcased the beautiful view of the beach surrounding us as well as the patio just outside of our bedroom. This house was a lot more beautiful than I expected it to be. I dropped my two bags on top of the chair sitting in the corner of the room just as Ava walked inside.

        "This is so pretty!" Ava squealed, causing me to laugh. "Oh, we all plan on going swimming, except for the adults. They all claim they're jet lagged, including T3. He's just doing it to sleep in bed with Paris, you know how he's got a thing for her or whatever," she waved off T3's 'relationship' he thinks he's got going n with Paris. "So, you coming with us?"

        I laughed, remembering how T3 used to always cling to Paris when ever she was around. We all knew he liked her, since he was always trying to use Daddy's credit card to buy her gifts since he claimed she was his woman. Aside from that, he's always talking about marrying her and how big her butt is. I don't even think he knows what her having a big butt will do for him. I'm sure he just heard Daddy and Grandpa talking about it, and now he's always bringing it up. "Is Isaiah coming too?" I asked.

        She nodded her head. "Of course. He's getting dressed."

        "Alright, then I'll come. I just need to get dressed."

        Ava closed the door behind herself and the two of us began changing into our bathing suits. Charmaine instructed Ava on what to wear on vacation when ever she's around Adrian, which was a two piece bikini. Charmaine even instructed me to wear a one piece and a cover up, which I'm not doing. I'm just surprised Ava's actually following his instruction and wearing a two piece. I on the other hand didn't. I'm wearing a simple black two piece and a white cover up. Daddy said the only way I'm getting out of the house wearing a bikini is if I had on a cover up over it.

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