Chapter 22

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*Earlier; The night of Lindsey's party*

        Me, Theodore, and T3 all got out of the house tonight since Lindsey was having her party that Paris was supposed to be chaperoning. I'm sure with Paris there she'll just turn the party up even more. Even though I was afraid of leaving my house for hours for a bunch of teenagers to destroy it, I still pulled myself out of the bed. After sleeping with Jordan earlier today, I've been extremely sore and just lying around in bed all day. I really haven't felt like doing much of anything.

        Theodore and I still weren't talking to each other, but were only doing it since we were out with T3. We went to dinner, saw a movie, and were on our way over to my parent's house. Mama and Daddy said they wanted to see T3 and they said E.J would be over, and he had t speak to me about something. I can't even imagine what he wants to talk about, but knowing him, it'll probably be something about how he feels Theodore is mistreating me. Even after all of these years, he still hates Theodore's guts. Everything Theodore does he hates it, and I can't blame him. Theodore is a terrible person.

        As soon as Nathan pulled up in front of Mama and Daddy's Beverly Hills mansion, T3 ran out of the car and up to Daddy leaving Theodore and I in silence. I pushed the door open and was just about to hop out when Theodore stopped me. He pulled me back inside of the car before asking Nathan to give us some alone time. Once Nathan exited the car, Theodore began speaking.

        "Look, don't go in here showing your ass or telling your brother none of the shit going on between us. You already know he don't like my ass, don't make it worse for me or yourself."

        "He doesn't like you because you're a bitch. He has a reason not to like you, just like me."

        I grabbed my purse and climbed out of the car. I'm really getting tired of Theodore's shit. After sleeping with Jordan earlier today, I realized there was so much more from a man than just what Theodore offers me. I mean, Jordan is so impetuous while Theodore is just so planned. I know everything he's gonna do and his old ways are starting to get boring and played out. I walked inside of Mama and Daddy's house, immediately being greeted by Daddy.

        Daddy pulled me into his strong hug. "Hey Princess," he kissed my cheek. "You look beautiful, like always."

        I smiled. "Thank you Daddy. You don't look so bad yourself," I said, taking in the sweatpants and t shirt he was wearing. "You must've got all dressed up for Mama," I sarcastically replied.

        He chuckled. "You already know I gotta stay fresh for fine ass Sincere. Her ass is always glued to me when I got on the sweatpants. She can see all of me through them."

        I pushed him. "Daddy! I don't wanna know that."

        "I bet that's what your little fuck buddy be wearing around the house, ain't it?"

        I shook my head and began walking past him. "I refuse to answer that daddy."

        "Fine, be that way baby. I can just talk to Teddy then."

        "You do that."

        I quickly walked away from Daddy and into the living room where I could hear voices. E.J, Mama, and T3 sat along the large living room sectional. The sectional and pretty much everything else in the living room was white except for the large flat screen TV against the wall opposite of the sectional. I hugged Mama and E.J before sitting next to Mama, who was giving T3 something.

        "Mama, what are you giving him?" I asked.

        Mama rolled her eyes. "I was just giving my baby some candy, that's all."

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