Storm(Ruby X Vale)

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Ya know the rules~ and so do I! 😈🤡

Anyways...Hello to you,my 2nd favourite mage (tied with Valir Btw)

Speaking of favourite mages~😏👀


"Thank you for your help Ms.Ruby,these werewolves just won't stop." One of the counsellors said while handling Ruby her reward as the little Huntress greatly accepted it.

"Its no problem. If the soldiers are having a hard time. Just send a note and I'll be ready to help again." And with that she waved goodbye as every villagers waved back while saying their 'Goodlucks' and 'goodbyes'.

During her walk,she noticed the clouds starting to go grey as a thunder started. Her luck was about to turn bad but changed when she saw a cave. Instead of going to another village,she chose to go inside the cave—not like she had any choice due to the fact that she'll have to run for 5km to reach it while rain is coming.

"It just had to be a storm." Ruby groaned as she checked the outside and is sure enough to stay. Rain started to pour in wild,a bunch of thunder and lighting struck around while the hard winds blow that could easily destroy someone's rooftop.

She's doing very fine in the cave,since it wasn't the first time she has done it.

Luckily for herself,she knew how to handle these kinds of situations. She sat near the fire to warm herself from the cold while eating the food that the villagers gave. Knowing that the storm won't stop any time,she eventually passed out as the fire continued to warm her.


***Ruby's Pov***

The next day,I woke up to hear the birds chirping and the little sunlight that shines through the cave. I got up and did some light stretching while checking for my stuffs,finding them completely intact and safe then exited the cave.

I decided to go home immediately since I have nothing much to do but train or just having a 'Me time',though I got irritated when I remembered something.

"Tch! That damn pesky werewolf King,just where the fuck is he?! The more I don't find him,the more allies he'll grow. Might as well go to Ms.Pharsa again." I gritted my teeth in annoyance cause I didn't get much information from his comrades that I killed off.

I soon reached another village,the one I helped with their werewolf problem just a few months ago. As soon as they saw me,they immediately smiled, some of the children begun to approach me and bombarded me with questions about my journey. I smiled widely and gave them each a pat on the head,telling them of my success while demonstrating to them about the fight.

"Then finally,the last werewolf was about to escape but I caught up to him and with a swing of my scythe—*Swing!* Its out!" Everyone clapped as that was my cue to continue on my journey. We said our farewells and even received a basket from a sweet old woman—whom I saved at that time.

Half way to the walk as the heat begun to increase,I decided to take a break—found the perfect spot in the woods and took it. I only brought out a bottle of water since I'll he reserving the basket at home,probably going to give it to Ailee,Nana,Harith,Harley,Lylia,Popol,Change and Wanwan. While taking some rest for only a few minutes,I felt something cold and very windy. Opening my eyes to see the leaves flowing around as the tress' branches move vigorously,confused on what is happening. There isn't a storm coming but why are there tornadoes swirling around this place.

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