Fake Accents and Smiles

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Kaede POV

At school I began to notice Rantaro seemed kind of depressed. Whenever Kokichi would ask him to go and hang out he would decline. He also stopped talking to Shuichi, who was acting kind of weird around me. Shuichi stopped wearing his hat and had more of a positive aura around him. He also complimented me a lot more and even brought me flowers. Though I didn't accept them.

I realized things were truly wrong when I saw how despairful Rantaro got while playing hope basketball. So when Kokichi invited me to Teruteru's pizzeria I accepted the invite. I knew Kokichi was going to bring up Rantaro.

So I wasn't shocked when he changed our conversation about Mr. Hanamura's fake Italian accent to one about Rantaro. It was fascinating to hear Kokichi impersonate British, Irish, and American Accents. Though his French accent wasn't that impressive. I was studying French and considered speaking in it to impress him.

"So how are you taking the breakup?" Kokichi asked staring at my personal pineapple pizza and taking a slice.

"It's been difficult but I'll get over Rantaro some day." I said honestly. There was really no point in lying to Kokichi. He could see right through me. He choked on my pizza and frowned. "Hey stop taking my stuff if you don't like it." I laughed at his disgusted face.

"You seriously need better taste buds." Kokichi rolled his eyes and handed me a slice of his sausage and Jalapeño pizza. "But your taste in men is excellent. Rantaro is a good guy. But I'll admit he has been keeping stuff from you."

I looked at Kokichi stunned. I didn't think he'd tell me so easily. "So there's this person. They've been bothering Rantaro for a bit. They've been trying to pursue Rantaro but he's not interested. I think he didn't tell you because he didn't want you to get the wrong idea. Anyway the person realized Rantaro will never accept their feelings." I ate Kokichi's slice of pizza quietly listening to him. "Rantaro adores you. You shouldn't let a small misunderstanding ruin your relationship. You're his first girlfriend so naturally he'd struggle to articulate his feelings. So why not give him another chance?"

Rantaro POV

I stood on my balcony looking miserably out the window. Suddenly I heard Kokichi humming and looked towards him.

"Hey gaymer! How are things holding up?" Kokichi asked with a weird smile on his face. I stayed quiet and just studied him. I was tired of the pain I felt around him. I couldn't understand how I felt. "You mad?" He asked. He didn't even try to hide the guilt in his expression.

"Not at all. Im fine." I lied.

"You're absolutely not fine. I fucked everything up for you. The two of us were having a great time. We both had girlfriends and we're having the best last year of school but I blew it. I shouldn't have teased you the way I did. I took this game way to far." Right to him it's only a game. For me it felt different. "I guess it felt weird when you finally began dating Kaede. It felt like you were leaving me behind."

"But you've had dozens of girlfriends?" I responded confused.

"Girlfriends who bored me to death." Kokichi shrugged. "You're my best friend. It felt weird not being your #1 anymore. So I kissed you and did other with you." Kokichi chuckled.


"I feel bad because I ruined you and Kaede's relationship. I'm sorry." Kokichi smiled and held my hands. "From now on we'll go back to being normal best friends. Nothing more or less." Something about him saying that hurt.

Kokichi POV

Sometimes it's best to sprinkle some truth into lies. It makes it easier to trick the person you're lying too. Maybe you'll even convince yourself.

The next day at school as me and Rantaro were walking in the hallway together Kaede approached us. Behind her Shuichi was typing away on his phone.

"Hey Rantaro." She said her face rosy.

"Kaede? Hi!" Rantaro was stunned but seemed happy Kaede was talking to him. Shuichi looked as dead as I felt inside.

Shuichi POV

"So the photo is completed deleted of your phone right?" Yuri asked arms crossed glaring at me. I don't know why but we were in a stall in the boys bathroom. It would only add on to the annoying rumors about us.

"Like I said your boyfriend deleted the picture and I only had time to send it to you. Don't worry I can't spread it around. Do whatever you please with the picture...I'll watch out for the guys and tell you if I see any more funny business."

"Good." Yuri said walking out of the boys bathroom hastily. I came out the stall and sighed. In the stall next to me Kiibo came out and turned towards me.

"Was she talking about that picture you snapped of Ouma and Amami?" Kiibo asked getting out his phone and showing me the message I sent him the night I caught the guys together. " I'm still shocked you sent it to me."

"Well you were the first contact after Yuri and it was easy for me to quickly send the message and than delete it off my phone. Only sending it to Yuri would mean I'd lose it forever."

"So you lied." I nodded and looked at my robot friend. He seemed confused and horrified,but I knew he wouldn't tell. Kiibo was pretty loyal to me because I protected him from Kokichi at times.

"So what are we doing with the photo?" He asked.

"Not sure yet but it'll be great." I laughed manically. Kiibo was confused but laughed too. We spent about five minutes laughing until Gonta came in and was freaked out.

Mr. Monokuma

Shuichi seems more twisted than I thought phuhuhu. I wonder what he's going to do in the future. Hopefully he won't end my OTP. Or I'll have to punish him.

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