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Rantaro POV

Slowly things with Kaede got better. She began talking to me again and would always be super cheerful and sweet. She even got me into a nice cram school.I also began to notice she and Kokichi were getting along really well. He began to hang around her, Himiko, and Tenko a lot more. Which was great because when I was having lunch with my basketball buddies he was usually with them and/or Yuri.

However we didn't hang out after school much anymore. He was barely ever home and I noticed he stayed out until super late at night. Of course there were days he was home but I was too scared I couldn't resist him.

"Hey Yuri, has Kokichi been sleeping over at your house or something?" I asked as Kaede, Yuri, and I cleaned the classroom together after school.

"Nope. We actually haven't been hanging out that much."

"That's weird. You two are dating. You should go out more." Kaede smiled to herself.

"We could always have a movie night in." Yuri shrugged. "But if we have sex I'm scared Rantaro will listen through the wall."

"Are you calling me a pervert." I asked shocked. I mean I did once but...

The three of us ended up walking together after we were done. Kaede was taking me to cram school and Yuri claimed a family member was in town and she had to go to Teruteru's pizzeria. As we were walking I noticed Kokichi at the back of a building taking out the trash. After cram school I rejected Kaede's invitation to WcDonald's and said I had to go home.

I located the place I saw Kokichi taking out the trash and looked around. I ended up pushing open the door I assumed lead to where ever Kokichi was. Sure enough the door was unlocked. I snuck in and noticed I was in some kind of fancy bar. There were young guys in suits everywhere. Some were around my age and some seemed older. The oldest looking about 25-30. One was flirting with a woman who definitely was over 50. I looked around until I saw Kokichi being pet by a woman who seemed like she was in her twenties. I dashed over to Kokichi and grabbed his hand lifting him up.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked pissed off. I would've never imagined Kokichi would work at a host club.

"You're also kind of cute." The woman said winking at me. "Is this some kind of role play." She stood up and felt my shoulders. I shuddered and pushed her away. Of course she had no idea what was happening and was turned on. "Hehe I love the aggressive type."

"Sorry Miss Tsmuki." Kokichi fake blushed and bowed down to the woman. "This guy doesn't actually work here."

"He doesn't work here yet you mean. You... are really attractive... I know you probably think I'm an despicable ugly woman but why not work for me." A women with long purple hair and round glasses said. "Achoo."

"YOU ARE A LITTLE CUTIE?WHY NOT WORK FOR MOMMA." Suddenly the woman's tongue was out and she was touching me weirdly. I wasn't sure why but I nodded agreeing to the job.

"You're scaring the poor guy." A woman with brown hair and kind green eyes walked over to me. She was polishing some kind of glass. "I'm Komaru Toga and this is my fiancé Toko Fukawa. She's a famous author so you might her heard of her. She has two different personalities so it can be difficult to keep up with her." Komaru took out a taser and shocked Toko. Causing her to revert back to her normal self. She hid behind Komaru causing her to roll her eyes.

"Kokichi can you see if we can find a uniform to fit your friend in the back."

"Come back and play with me sometime." Miss Tsmuki winked as Kokichi pushed me to the back room.

"We should probably go home." I said as I watched Kokichi look around for an outfit for me.

"Correction you should probably go home." Kokichi lifted up a suit and nodded. "This should be your size. But I think you should leave." He turned towards me and threw the suit to the ground.

"I'm definitely not leaving you here alone." I crossed my arms and glared at Kokichi. He smiled and Kabedoned me against a wall with both of his hands. "Let's get you dressed then." He smirked looking up at me.

Somehow Kokichi managed to get me to finally change into the host outfit. The bosses, who I've been made aware of have an open relationship and were bi, fussed about me for about ten minutes before I could work. Soon I was with my first client. Miss Tsmuki demanded that I would be her host for the night. Her friend from nursing school arrived and Kokichi was her host. I hated how she let her cleavage hang out as she and Kokichi talked. He was playing this whole cute innocent act which would really turn me on in other circumstances. But right now he was using it on some woman.

"You can call me Mikan." The nurse next to me smiled and wrapped her arm around me. I looked over at her and decided she was really cute. Not that I would personally date her. She was really bold. As we talked I discovered she wasn't always as open and flirty. In fact during the time she was my age she was as shy as Kokichi when he was in middle school. Which is one of the reasons why he she enjoys his company. Though because I'm "sexy" according to her I get special permission to call her Mikan.

Even though I was annoyed by the woman flirting with Kokichi she didn't really try anything. In fact they just seemed to enjoy each other's company. I felt but a bit better. Maybe being a host wouldn't be so shitty.

Soon I began working at the Host club more and more. I knew I wanted to go to college and travel the world rather been be a host forever but it was an enjoyable job. Plus it didn't hurt that I got to work with Kokichi. However, my grades slipped and I was doing terrible in cram school. I always felt tired and even slept in class one day.

"Rantaro maybe I should tutor you at this point." Kaede chuckled as she walked with me. "If you didn't have a job we could go out and eat something. Maybe study a bit." She grinned sweetly.

"Wanna try another day?" I asked Kaede. She blushed and nodded.

I saw Yuri talking to Kokichi in front of the Host club which shocked me. I didn't think she knew about it. As soon as she saw me and Kaede she rushed towards us and grabbed her arm. I noticed Yuri shot a glare at me. "Shouldn't leave you two alone. Come on Kaede let's go get some WcDonald's." I watched as she dragged Kaede off without letting her say goodbye to me. Only heightening my suspicions that she knew about the Host Club.

Kaede POV

"Don't get too close to him. You two definitely aren't going anywhere and I don't want to see you hurt." Yuri said munching on a giant burger. It was weird how she maintained such a perfect figure.

"He's the first guy I ever loved though. It's hard for me to suddenly give up on him." I responded.

"Well someday you'll have to move on. There are a ton of cool guys in our school. Like Shuichi!"

"Hmm no he's just a childhood friend." I frowned.

"A cute childhood friend."

"Sounds like the rumors of you two might be confirmed."

"I'm setting him up with you dummy." Yuri said cutely spitting out her tongue at me.

"I'll try considering Shuichi someday but things with Rantaro are getting a lot better." I blushed slurping my milkshake.


Mr. Monokuma POV

I would be a splendid host. You've got to admit I'm quite the lady killer. Though I have a feeling the owners of the host club don't like me. It's as if in an alternate universe I tortured them.

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