If:Yuri gave Kaede lessons #3 Valentines day

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Yuri POV

Months after me and Kaede "practiced" together I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her beautiful purple eyes that were full of hope. Her elegant fingers that would play beautiful melodies on her piano. That perfect smile whenever I would make a sexual joke. It got so bad to the point where Kokichi began noticing.

"We should probably break up." Kokichi said one day as we hung out at his place. We were on opposite sides of his couch. Not speaking to one another. The only sound in the apartment being the sound of me typing.

"Why?" I asked shocked.

"Because you," Kokichi said bopping my nose. "Like Kaede. Don't even try to lie to me. You already know I'm a bullshit detector."I opened my mouth to object but for once found myself speechless.

"Yeah I do." I said after a while.

"Awww how cute!" Kokichi said trying to hide any sign of sadness. He always knew how to conceal how he really felt. We both did.

"Im so sorry... I feel like I've been stringing you along for months." I said.

"It's ok Yuri... What is important now is that we both follow our hearts. Mine is with Dice and going to the best university so I can take over the world. Yours is with Kaede. Rantaro is my best friend, but he and Kaede don't match. So do your best!" Kokichi said smiling at me. I felt as though I could do anything.

Kaede POV

It was weird, when fooling around with Rantaro, all I could think of was Yuri. She was constantly on my mind. Maybe it was because the two of us were such great friends!

I decided to give myself to Rantaro on Valentine's Day. I wanted to lose my virginity to him. I bought condoms, a vibrator, and lube for the big day. Now all I needed to do was to accept Rantaro's invitation for a date. I wondered where he would take me. I fantasized of a picnic in the park or maybe a dinner at a fancy restaurant. I'd even be ok with watching movies in his room. Instead, I only found myself disappointed.

"I'm going to be busy tonight." Rantaro told me over the phone. "Playing the Valentine's Day edition of Yamada world. A new submissive and breedable love interest is getting introduced."

"So you rather spend Valentine's Day with a pixelated anime girl than hang out with me?" I said beginning to feel sad.

"Yeah.... She's willing to have sex so..."

"We're over!" I yelled into my phone and hung up. I ended up crying for a while and texted the group chat about what happened. Yuri, Himiko, Tenko, Maki, and Kirumi were all pretty comforting.  Yuri came over within minutes and forced herself into my place.

She didn't exactly force herself inside. My mom let her in before leaving to go on a hot date. Yuri bought me ice cream, chocolate, roses, and WcDonalds.

"Rantaro is a idiot!" Yuri ranted as we watched Sixteen Candles. "You deserve so much better."

"Thanks Yuri." I said eating some of the ice cream she got me. I felt a bit better.

"Don't mention it." She said sitting close next to me. "Hey Kaede... I have something to admit." Yuri said sounding uncharacteristically nervous. I paused the movie and looked at her.

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