Bros Before Hoes

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Rantaro POV

Seeing Kaede at school was painful. Even though she was trying to hide it she was absolutely crushed. She was surrounded by a group of girls in front of the school trying to laugh off her pain. As soon as she spotted me I ran.

Kokichi chased me and we ended up behind the school. I watched Korekiyo test out a seesaw he was building.

"Rantaroooooo it's too early for tag." Kokichi said pouting. You run too fast damm." He said patting me on the head.

"Sorry seeing Kaede was just too weird. Especially after what happened." I said.

"Of course you two are hanging out alone by the back of the school." Yuri said with her arms crossed smirking at us.

"Yuri can you not right now." I frowned.

"Can I not what? Celebrate the fact Kaede knows you're a total douche bag and dumped you." Yuri asked approaching me and Kokichi. "You know even though she's an absolute idiot sometimes I still fell bad for her."

"Yuri be nice. The poor avocado is heartbroken." Kokichi teased me while trying to get Yuri to stop.

"Hmm why should I stop? Will I get an award if I do?" Yuri grabbed both of our hands and pulled us towards us. She was surprisingly strong. "I'll get to join you two the next time you have sex right?" She whispered."Maybe you'll finally be into a girl for real." I pushed Yuri angrily onto the ground.

Kokichi got in between us quickly. "Yuri that was an amazing joke! I absolutely loved it." He smiled. "Next time don't take it so personally Rantaro." Kokichi said looking at me. "Class is beginning and this is getting boring let's go!" Kokichi skipped ahead of us. I sighed and followed. Korekiyo was playing around with his seesaw and Yuri walked over to him rather than follow us.

"What do you even like about her?" I whispered looking back at Yuri who was listening to Korekiyo explain his device.

"Well she makes me feel comfortable. We have a lot in common. Plus she's super cute." Kokichi replied.

"But she's a shitty person."

"She doesn't have to be a good person.. I still enjoy being around her. It's nice being with someone who makes me feel at ease." But he's my best friend. Shouldn't he fell at ease with me too?

"Sometimes I don't get you Kokichi."

"That's why you don't understand me and Yuri's relationship." He sighed.

Kokichi POV
Year One: First day of school

I went up to Rantaro silently and tugged on his shirt. He was with a group of guys. I wished I had his confidence. He turned towards me and gave me his radiant smile. I felt my heart pound in my chest as he gave me his attention.

"Umm do you wanna walk home together." I asked looking up at the handsome green haired boy.

"Oh I'm sorry but me, Gonta, and Kaito are trying out for the Hope basketball team." Rantaro patted my head and I poured. "Maybe tomorrow." Rantaro said before turning his attention back to the boys.

I sighed and left the classroom alone. As I walked out I bumped into a tall senpai. She dropped all of her books. In a panic I quickly picked up as much books as I could and handed them to her. She gave me a smile and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Awww thanks cutie." I blushed. Not because I was interested in her but because she was kind. "You're Kokichi Ouma right? I heard that there was an adorable first year but I didn't expect you to be as cute in person." I turned red and nodded.

"I'm not that cute." I stuttered nervously. "Sorry for bumping into you."

"As payback give me your line." She grinned. I noticed people were watching us. Some guys were glaring and some girls seemed to be infatuated with me. It was the most attention I'd received all day.

"Id love to." I blushed and handed her my phone. Little did I know that throughout the rest of my three years at Hopes Peak I'd be known as a player. That I would date many girls despite the fact I wasn't really interested in most of them. There were some girls I did genuinely like and have feelings for, like Yuri. I could never really shake my feelings for Rantaro. Ever since we kissed in primary school I've liked him. I don't know why but I always imagined he'd be single or waiting for me. Which is why I reacted the way I did when he started to date Kaede.

Rantaro POV

It was kind of hard not to peak into the music room when Kaede was in her zone. She looked peaceful as she played the piano. Times like this she truly shined. Kaito of course caught me spying on kaede and shoved me in the music room.

Kaede turned towards me looking a bit shocked. Her whole face was red. She was usually awkward whenever someone interrupted her in her zone.

"Your playing is amazing as usual." I tried smiling. "Maybe we could continue our lessons. She turned away from me.

"I'm sorry but can you leave. I want to be alone." I sighed and left the room. In the hallway I saw Shuichi and Yuri talking and remembered the rumors. Shuichi caught me staring and I waved at him. He seemed annoyed at me and directed his attention back to Yuri. What the hell is his problem.

Bros before hoes man....

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