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Hoseok dragged himself into his dorm and flopped onto his bed, his body feeling drained and heavy.

Yoongi looked over, the older having been sitting on his own bed. "What's up?" He asked, frowning a little when he saw the tired younger.

"Why wont they just leave me alone..." hoseok muttered, groaning and closing his eyes.

Yoongi sighed a little and walked over, laying with the younger on the bed and wrapping an arm around him. "I'm sorry, Seokie."

"Its ok...just tired." He said, cuddling into Yoongi automatically.

The older was slightly surprised and a bit awkward, but he hugged Hoseok back properly and rubbed his back soothingly. Hoseok smiled and hummed quietly at the relaxing feeling. "Thank you..." he mumbled into Yoongi's chest.

"Its alright. How was class today?" He asked, his fingers running through Hoseok's hair. He noticed playing with it relaxed him even more and he got another satisfied hum out of Hoseok.

"Was good...boring like normal but it wasnt horrible." He answered quietly, his voice getting lazy and quiet.

"Dont fall asleep on me, sunshine." Yoongi said, giggling a little.

"Sunshine?" Hoseok asked, looking up at him.

"Huh-? Oh...it just slipped out. You know, cause you're always so happy?" Yoongi explained.

Hoseok nodded. "Its cute. I like it." He said sweetly.

They sat in silence for a little longer before Hoseok eventually drifted off in Yoongi's arms. "Such an angel..." Yoongi mumbled, the words coming out automatically. He was happy Hoseok didnt hear it. Curse him and his inability to lie.

Hoseok slept most of the day, waking up at around 8PM. When he did, Yoongi was in the pantry making himself something to drink. "Hyung...?" He asked quietly, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, you're up. Did you want a hot chocolate?" He asked kindly, giving him a kind smile.

Hoseok nodded a little, standing and walking over. He hugged Yoongi from behind, resting his head on the older's shoulder. He was only half awake and he was extremely clingy when he was still tired.

"You ok, Seokie?" Yoongi asked as he made another hot chocolate for the younger.

"M' fine...just a little sleepy..." he answered quietly.

"You're cute." Yoongi said, covering his mouth after and sighing.

"You think I'm cute?" Hoseok asked, giggling a little.

"Shut up and drink." He said, handing Hoseok the mug and pulling away from his arms.

"Thank you, hyung~" he sang with a smile on his face, watching as Yoongi walked out of the small kitchen.

Hoseok followed him, sitting on his bed. "Did you have homework to do? you kinda just passed out when you got home." Yoongi spoke.

"Mm...I cant remember." Hoseok said, opening his phone about to go to his notes before he saw he had gotten a text.

Come to my dorm
tomorrow morning


I wanted to talk about

Is it really that

Just come here
tomorrow morning

Alright alright I will

Thanks, sleep well

You too

"What is it?" Yoongi asked, noticing the frown on Hoseok's face.

"Joon just said he wanted me to go to his dorm tomorrow morning. Wants to talk about something." Hoseok explained, shrugging a little.

"He didnt say what it is?"

Hoseok shook his head and put his phone on the nightstand along with his half empty mug of hot chocolate. He lay down on his bed, his hands going over his face as he sighed. "If I have homework, oh well. It's kinda early but I'm still tired and I'm gonna go back to sleep."

Yoongi smiled a little and laughed. "Alright, if you say so. I hope people start leaving you alone after realizing real

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