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the next day in history class they were working on their project again. the uncomfortable feeling Hoseok had felt the day before was long gone.

"see. I told you it was just my imagination. im fine now!" Hoseok said to Doyoung when he asked again.

Doyoung nodded and relaxed a little. he was happy that Hoseok was ok.

"Hey, can you get some staples? my stapler ran out." Yuri asked Hoseok who nodded.

He stood up and grabbed a box of staples, bringing them back to their table. when he sat down he pouted when the weird feeling came back. it was in his other inner thigh. he checked and there was nothing there again.

"is everything ok?" joluen asked now.

"yea, just my dumb brain acting up. theres nothing there." Hoseok said calmly.

Once again Hoseok brushed it off as if it were nothing. that's always a great idea, isn't it?

Hoseok walked into his dorm and smiled when he saw Yoongi sitting on his bed. "you have your own bed you know."

"yea but yours is comfier." Yoongi said calmly.

"really?" hoseok asked as he jumped onto Yoongi's bed.

"it's not when you're not in it though." yoongi blurted, covering his mouth instantly after.

"oh really?" Hoseok asked, smirking a little and tilting his head.

"oh shut up." yoongi said, throwing a pillow at the younger.

Hoseok laughed as it hit his face and he moved to go sit with Yoongi. "how was your daayyy~?" he asked, hugging the older and resting his head in yoongi's lap.

"it was finneeeee~" yoongi responded in a similar manner.

Yoongi smiled down at the sunshine boy and gently played with his hair. "you ok, Seokie?" be asked the younger.

hoseok hummed quietly and relaxed at the feeling, nodding slightly in response. "mhm, I'm alright."

"I can sense something's wrong. empath things." he said, poking Hoseok lightly.

"I just have a little discomfort in my inner thigh. I've been trying to ignore it." Hoseok confessed.

"oh? let me see." Yoongi said, pouting slightly.

hoseok sat up and tilted his leg so Yoongi could look.

"nothing's there. maybe its the shorts your wearing?" yoongi suggested.

"yea, maybe. I'll try jogging pants tomorrow. those are loose. I'll be going for dance practice anyway." hoseok said, laying back down with his head resting in Yoongi's lap. he kept his arms gently around the older's waist.

"alright that works then. just dont let anything bad happen to you, ok? I know you cant feel pain but that doesnt make you immune to getting hurt." Yoongi said seriously.

hoseok just nodded. "I know, hyung dont worry. hey, did you wanna go out tomorrow night? it's a friday you know. we never do anything fun on Friday nights."

"ok sure but what?" yoongi asked.

"maybe hit up a bar? get a few drinks? just the two of us, you know?" hoseok offered, subtly hinting at a date.

"are you trying to ask me out~?" Yoongi teased, smirking at the younger.

"Wha- n-no! I just meant as friends!" Hoseok tried to lie.

"you're a terrible liar, seokie. but sure, I'd love to go out with you." Yoongi said sweetly.

"yay!! we'll go tomorrow after dinner then?" Hoseok asked, wanting to go when it was convenient for Yoongi.

"yea that works."

"great! I'm so excited!" hoseok said, smiling his heart shaped smile up at Yoongi.

the older looked down at him and smiled fondly back. "me too.." yoongi said, giggling a little.

As Yoongi stared at the younger boy laying in his lap, he realized just how hard he had fallen for him.

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