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Jin was right. The tension between Hoseok and Yoongi had only seemed to increase as the day pushed on. When they all met up for lunch, the two wouldn't even look at each other.

"What is going on with you two?" Taehyung asked, walking over to Yoongi.

"What do you mean?" the older boy asked.

"You and Hobi hyung. Just ignoring each other. Is this a prank? Are you trying to make us worry?" Taehyung pressed.

"No prank. But I think you guys are crazy. We're fine. Right, Hoseok?" Yoongi asked, looking at the younger.

Hoseok picked his head up, taking his gaze off of the floor and putting it onto Yoongi. "What- Oh- yea yea we're fine." hoseok agreed.

"Liars." taehyung said, rolling his eyes.

"Namjoon, why dont you just tell us what they're thinking~?" Jin whined.

"I dont read people's minds without permission." Namjoon answered.

"Then what's the point of having the ability?" Jungkook pointed out. "Its only useful if the person is unaware so what's the point in having it if you'll only use it when they know? If they know, they could just tell you what theyre thinking."

"Kid's got a point." Jimin pointed out.

"Who are you calling a kid, bite size?" Jungkook said, pouting at the smaller.

"Who are you calling bite sized, baby giant?" Jimin shot back.

"Oh will you two shut up?" Jin said, hitting them both on the head. "Look, Yoongi and Hoseok are roommates. whatever problems they have, they can sort out on their own. Clearly they wont admit anything is wrong to us. when they see how awkward it is when they're alone, they'll make up." Jin assured the others.

They all just accepted what Jin said for now, knowing nothing they said would get Yoongi or Hoseok to admit something was wrong no matter what they tried. they all ate their lunch and continued talking as normal, and when the bell rang they once again split for their classes.

Jungkook and Hoseok met up once again for their free period. "Hyungie~ are you ok~?" Jungkook whined when he saw the older.

"I'm fine, yea. why?" Hoseok answered, taking the younger's hand and walking with him outside.

"Dunno...you just seem kinda off. Quieter than normal." Jungkook pointed out with a small pout on his lips.

"Dont worry, Kooky. I'm alright. I guess I'm just not as energetic today. But you know me. I cant be sad. So I can assure you nothing's wrong." Hoseok promised with a kind, heart shaped smile.

Jungkook nodded, believing him. Hoseok was right. If he couldnt be sad, how could anything be the matter? The two sat down against a wall outside, and Jungkook leaned his head on the olders shoulder. 

After an hour, Hoseok was about to stand when he felt Jungkook had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He smiled and cooed at the younger and rubbed his back gently.

"Kook." He said quietly as he rubbed the boy's back in an attempt to wake him up peacefully.

Jungkook stirred slightly and whined, cuddling into Hoseok more and refusing to open his eyes.

Hoseok laughed lightly and rolled his eyes, standing and picking the boy up bridal style.

"You have classes you idiot." Hoseok said as he rocked Jungkook a little, kind of aggressively honestly.

"Ok, ok~ I'm up~" the younger whined as he struggled to get out of Hoseok's arms.

Hoseok happily put him down and laughed at his pouting face.

"Sorry, kookie but our free period is nowwww over~" he teased.

"I wish it was longer..." jungkook said, sighing and pouting more.

"You'll live. Come on, let's get to our classes." Hoseok said, leading the younger inside.

They parted ways after they got inside, heading to their next classes.

After classes, Hoseok went back to his dorm to study. Yoongi was on his bed just sleeping. Yoongi missed dinner that night, and honestly it made Hoseok sad to see Yoongi skip a meal. Of course, he knew Yoongi was eating other meals but still it was a but upsetting and worrying. Of course, Hoseok wouldn't bother to say anything since he was stupidly avoiding Yoongi at the moment.

When Hoseok went back to his dorm, yoongi was still asleep. It was around 7pm, a bit early to sleep but too late for a nap. Hoseok assumed Yoongi would stay asleep for the rest of the night. Hoseok stayed up another two or so hours, just studying and listening to music. Once 9:30 hit, he shut off the lamp for himself and Yoongi. He hated sleeping with the lights on, but Yoongi could sleep in any kind of lighting or weather. It was amazing honestly. Hoseok lay down in his bed. He slowly drifted off to the soft sound of his music playing through the headphones.

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