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That next morning, Hoseok and Yoongi avoided each other. It was worse than before. Neither of them would even spare the other a glance. Hoseok wanted to know what the nightmare was that made Yoongi so terrified, and Yoongi wanted to know what it was that made Hoseok avoid him.

When they went to breakfast with the others, all of the others were confused by their distance.

"What's up with you two?" Jin asked, the first to bring it up.

"What do you mean?" Hoseok asked, acting innocent.

"You know what we mean. What's with you and Yoongi hyung?" Jimin asked, motioning to the two currently standing as far away from each other as possible.

"Nothing. I'm ok." Yoongi said.

"So am I." Hoseok agreed.

The topic didnt come up again at the time. There was nothing for anyone else to say, and no one wanted to press on the subject. they ate their breakfast as normal, talking about their classes and work. When the bell rang, they went off to their classes.

Today in their skills class, Namjoon was learning to control his mind reading a lot more. He was in a class with Jin as well, so the two were partners.

Jin's power was blocked if the person realized it was being used on them. So the goal for Namjoon was to figure out what Jin was thinking before he could get Namjoon's idea to change.

"Ok you all can start your projects!" The teacher said, and they all got to work.

"You're a bitch~"

"Dont be rude, hyung." Namjoon said, pouting a little at Jin's thoughts.

"Ok, ok." He said, starting to think of something. Jin's thoughts came across strangely when he used his powers. It seemed he was thinking normally.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm ok."

"Tell me what's wrong."

"Nothings wrong, hyung."

"I'm worried about you."


"Tell me what's wrong."

Namjoon sat there for a minute before smiling and clapping. "Haha I got it~"

"Damn it." Jin said, pouting a little.

"That one was easy. You cant keep repeating the same thing. Do you genuinly think something's wrong though?" Namjoon asked curiously.

"I mean, you have seemed to be a bit stressed latley." Jin answered.

"Ah. I'm just worried about Yoongi hyung and Hoseok. They're roommates. Its weird to see them so distant." Namjoon explained.

"Maybe they got into a fight?" Jin suggested.

"Yea, maybe. Let's just leave it to them to work out. Come on, onto the next one." Namjoon said, giving Jin a smile.

"how much sleep did you get last night?"

"I got about 6 hours."

"Are you tired?"

"No, not really."

"Have you eaten?"

"No, not yet. I didnt want breakfast."

"You're low on energy."

"Yea, i guess..."

"You need energy to get through the day."

"You're right..." namjoon's voice was getting quieter the more he spoke to Jin.

"Are you fighting it?"

"No..." was the last thing Namjoon said before drifting off to sleep.

"Aww~" Jin cooed, walking over and rubbing Namjoon's shoulder.

He hugged the younger and kissed his head gently. He let Namjoon sleep for about ten minutes before waking him up.

"Joonie~" he cooed, shaking him lightly.

Namjoon slowly stirred awake and rubbed his eyes. "Dammit..." he muttered. "Fine fine, you win."

"Are you ok, though? If that worked so well you must've been tired." Jin pointed out.

"No, no, I'm fine. dont worry, yea?" Namjoon assured.

Jin pouted a little and nodded. "Fine...but I dont like it."

"Yea yea whatever. How long did you let me sleep for?" Namjoon asked, sitting up properly now.

The bell rang as soon as Namjoon asked and Jin stood, grabbing his things. "I'd say long enough. Only ten minutes."

"That's too long- what did you do that whole time?" Namjoon asked as he followed suit and walked with Jin out of the classroom

"I watched you. Cause you're cute."

"That sounds creepy as hell when you put it like that." Namjoon pointed out.

It was obvious Jin didnt really care. "Welp, I'll see you at lunch." Jin said when they had to part for their separate classes.

"Yea. you think Hoseok and Yoongi hyung will be ok by then?" Namjoon asked hopefully.

"In all honesty, no." Jin said with a sigh before walking into his classroom.

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