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Hoseok stepped out of his mom's car with his two suitcases.

He was so excited to start a life at his new school without feeling outcasted. He would have a roomate and be around other people like him.

He could barely contain his excitement.

"Mom, I can do this by myself! Don't worry its only a few things." Hoseok assured his mother, grabbing the rest of his belongings from her.

"Alright, Hopie. Have a good year. I'll always check in on you!" She blew Hoseok a kiss and Hoseok caught it. He sent her a finger heart and walked inside the school with his things.

Hoseok was at a college for the "specials". The "specials" were a group of kids who had supernatural abilities. He was born with his, but some kids developed them over time. He finally would be with people like him.

He found the main office and sat in a chair, waiting to be called up. There were a few other nervous students.

The woman at the desk then asked him to come up and he told her his name and his ability.

The woman logged it in her computer and handed him a key.

"Ths dorms are in the next building directly across from here. The first number is the floor and the next number is the room number." The woman explained. "You have a roomate so be prepared for someone to walk in whenever they get here."

"Ok, thank you!" Hoseok said with a bright smile.

He walked out the door and to the dorm building.

When he found his room number he opened the door with the key and looked around.

The room was big enough for two people. Two beds, a bathroom, a small pantry and a study room.

There was also a small desk with a lamp on it for some work to be done.

"This is nice." Hoseok thought out loud.

He started to put his things away and fix his bed.

Within a half an hour, the door opened slowly and Hoseok's eyes landed on a mint hair boy, a bit shorter than he was. He was honestly really cute, wearing an oversized grey hoodie. He had pink, pouty lips and cat like eyes.

The small boy waved to Hoseok and Hoseok smiled and waved back. That was the only greeting shared between the two for a while as they both packed away their things and got settled in their new living space.

After an hour of silence the newcomer spoke up. "I'm Yoongi."

Hoseok smiled slightly. He was stunned by how deep his voice was compared to his cute and small figure. "I'm Hoseok. I'm new but you probably new that." He introduced himself back.

"What's your ability?" Yoongi asked quietly.

"I cant get hurt. Physically nor emotionally."

"That's sort of sociopathic dont you think?" Yoongi asked, covering his mouth with his hand. "S-sorry..." he mumbled, looking down and away from him.

"No, no, it's fine. Like I said, nothing really hurts my feelings. I mean, a lot of people used to think so...I can feel other emotions, just not really sadness I guess." He explained with a light laugh. "How about you?"

"I have two. One, I cant tell a lie. Its honestly a burden so I try to keep my mouth shut. And two, I can control people's emotions." Yoongi answered casually.

Hoseok smiled a little. "That's really cool!"

"Thanks. Yours is cool too. Do you know anyone here?" He asked.

Hoseok sadly shook his head. "No. I had no supernatural friends."

"Neither did I. I've been here ror three years but I'm not really interested in making friends." Yoongi said with a small frown.

"Well, I guess we could maybe be each other's first?" He asked hopefully with a nervous smile.

Yoongi hesitated for a moment before smiling and nodded. "Yeah. I'd like that." 

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