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Yoongi had contacted the school's nurse and then the school called for an ambulance. there wasn't much a school nurse could do for a boy writhing in pain. all they could do was slap an ice pack on it and hope for the best.

Yoongi had told the others about the situation as soon as Hoseok was sent off to the hosptial and the six of them came together and drove themselves to the hosptial right after the ambulance had left. when they got there, they asked for Hoseok.

"Oh, hes completley fine." The receptionist at the front desk said with a smile.

"i- I'm sorry-?" Yoongi asked, clearly extremely confused.

"As soon as he left the school campus, he calmed down and said his pain had gone away. he has the ability not to feel pain, correct? there was probably just a glitch in his own system. of course, we're running some tests to see where that pain came from in the first place. you all can wait in the seating room." The receptionist explained kindly.

Yoongi and the others nodded, moving over to the waiting area.

"That's fucking insane-" Jin said when they had sat down.

"How is he screaming one second but perfectly fine the next-?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm not sure. Maybe the people messing with him broke him a little. maybe they pushed him past his limit." Namjoon offered.

"Ok, but we were told that our abilities dont have limits, well besides my obvious I cant learn it if I havent seen it." Jungkook said. "that's why we dont take training classes. we have no limitations to explore and no skills to learn."

"so what the fuck!?" Jimin asked, pouting and crossing his arms.

"we'll find out soon hopefully." Yoongi said.

they all continued a calm and quiet conversation while they waited, and they were soon called by the doctor. They followed the doctor outside of Hoseok's room where he explained the situation to them 

"He was injected with poison over a period of days. we're thinking a week. he said he had no knowledge this was happening. and since he cant feel pain, he didnt notice any changes. We're not sure as to why he suddenly was able to feel the pain, but when he was able to, he felt the posion in his body that he couldnt feel before. it's a good thing, though. he might've died if he hadnt felt that pain." The doctor explained.

"What the hell?? poison??" Taehyung asked, all of them just as shocked.

"Can we see him? is he ok-?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes you can see him and yes he's ok now. however, if he were able to feel pain he would definitely feel pretty sore and tired right now." the doctor explained as he opened the door for the six of them.

they walked in and Yoongi smiled at Hoseok, running over to his bed and hugging him tightly.

"Aww was Gigi worried about me~" Hoseok teased, giggling a little.

"Yes, dumbass I was!" yoongi said, pouting up at him

"You really had no idea you were getting injected with poison? how does that even work?" Jin asked.

"I'm not sure. I mean, the only time I ever felt off or weird was during my project. I guess that would fit the 7 day time frame. everytime I sat down in my chair, I felt uncomfortable. and then there was the day I passed out and then when I woke up everyone was like 'Hooray! theres totally nothing wrong!'" Hoseok explained, smiling and waving his hands with his little sarcastic comment.

"Maybe someone was using your abilities in the class" Namjoon said. "You need to report what information you have, it's illegal to do things like that you know."

"I know, I know, and i will. it's just i have no idea who couldve done it. I mean, I have a lot of people in my class."

"werent you working on a group project? maybe it was someone in your group." Jungkook pointed out.

"Maybe...I might have an idea of who did it then. of course, its just an idea."

"Who?" they all asked at the same time.

"The person who wanted to stab me. Joleun."

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