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"Hey, what happened to you and Yoongi hyung?" Doyoung asked as Hoseok sat down in their math class next to him.

"What about us?" Hoseok asked, pulling out his homework.

"You seem kinda distant. I thought you two were roomates, wouldnt it be weird if you were distant from each other?" Doyoung pointed out.

Hoseok just shrugged a little and looked down at his completed homework.

"Did you two get into a fight or something?"

"No, we didn't. He just...gives me weird vibes." Hoseok answered vaguely.

"Ohhh creepy stalkerish vibes??" Doyoung asked, his eyes widening a little.

"No, no, nothing like that. He just makes me feel different." Hoseok tried to explain.

"Maybe you have a crush~" Doyoung teased and Hoseok rolled his eyes.

"I'm not going to eliminate that possibility cause he is good looking...but I'm not going to rule it as the only the possibilty." Hoseok said, laughing lightly.

"At least you won't completely deny it. I know people who'd be all like 'Me!? A crush!? I could never!!'" Doyoung mimicked, putting his hands on his chest and scoffing, making his facial expressions dramatic and exaggerated.

Hoseok laughed at his impression and nodded. "I know people like that too. I mean, crushes are natural. why try to fight them?"

"I think it's a fear or rejection and getting hurt. thats probably why you dont care. you can't get hurt." Doyoung explained.

Hoseok nodded a little, showing that he understood the reason. After a few more minutes of talking their teacher walked in. She walked around the room collecting their homework before going back up to the board and starting her lesson.

When Hoseok got back to his dorm, Yoongi was there. The older didnt even spare him a glance. He must've noticed I've been avoiding him Hoseok thought to himself as he got himself situated.

"Are you gonna use the desk?" Hoseok asked, motioning over to it.

Yoongi simply shook his head, his head staying down as he looked at his phone. Hoseok moved to sit at the desk and got started on his work. He felt a bit guilty that he was ignoring Yoongi like this. He didnt want to stop being friends with the older. Yoongi was an amazing person and fun to be around. He just didnt like the feeling he got from him. It wasn't fair to Yoongi at all and he had every right to be upset and concerned, but Hoseok wasn't ready to take the risk of feeling what he felt twice already.

There was silence the whole night, the only words exchanged between them being a small 'goodnight' when curfew hit and they had to go to bed.

Hours into the night, there was a crash and a small scream. Hoseok sat up, the noise waking him up.

"Hyung...? Are you ok-?" He asked, turning on the lamp on the nightstand in the middle of their beds. He saw Yoongi on the floor shaking.

Hoseok immediately went over to him, hugging him tightly and rubbing his back. He picked Yoongi up off the floor and seated him on his bed.

"Hyung, what happened?" hoseok tried to ask but Yoongi was too out of it to speak. He was shaking and leaning desperatly into Hoseok's side.

Hoseok suddenly started to feel that same feeling he felt before. The heavy feeling in his chest, the choked up feeling in his throat. He hated it. He was confused by it. "Hyung, calm down." Hoseok said, rubbing his shoulders and trying to ignore the feeling.

"I-im f-fine." Yoongi tried to speak, his words coming out broken.

The feeling only got more intense and soon Hoseok's eyes were clouded with tears. He pulled away from Yoongi and sat on his own bed, leaving the older to push through a panic attack by himself.

Was it a shitty move? Yes. Yes it was.

Yoongi managed to calm down by himself. He sat there for a while, still shaking but his hysterics had stopped. He had regained most of his composure. He looked at Hoseok, just staring at him for a while before turning his back to him and laying down.

Yoongi wasnt upset that Hoseok left him like that. He had dealt with many panic attacks on his own before. He just wanted to know what it was that made Hoseok so hesitant to be around him. He knew he wouldnt get his answer any time soon though. He just closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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