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Hoseok knocked on the door to Namjoon and Jin's shared dorm that next morning. The door opened almost as soon as he stopped knocking.

"Is everything ok-?" Hoseok asked as Namjoon walked him in.

Jin was still sleeping, it was still early. Around 6am.

"so, you know my ability is mind reading, right?" Namjoon started and Hoseok nodded as an answer. "Well, I just so happened to hear someone thinking they were going to attack you today. They want to see if you can feel intense pain like being stabbed or something. I dont know what they're going to do, but they're in your English class." He explained the situation.

"Oh..." hoseok said quietly, nodding a little. "Well. That's fine. I cant feel physical pain of any kind." He said with a smile.

"No, hoseok, this isnt ok. You may not be able to feel pain but what if one day you get hurt badly and you dont feel it? What if it's a fatal injury? you're not immortal, Hoseok. You cant be so careless. People like that guy I heard last night will get you killed." Namjoon said seriously.

Hoseok sighed a little and nodded. "Ok...I'll be careful then. Do you know their name?"

"I think its Joleun...I'm not sure. But hes in your english class and he has a unique ability. he can create injection needles." Namjoon explained.

"I think I know who you're talking about. I'll stay clear of him today. thank you, Joonie. I appreciate you looking out for me." Hoseok said with a kind smile. "But why couldnt you just tell me this over text? Why did you have me come here?"

"Because I wanted to make sure you understood." he said seriously, his eyes and tone stern. "You may be immune to pain, but you're not immune to death. Dont let your guard down. People are assholes and will test your limits. I want to be sure you understand that."

"I understand, Joon. Dont worry, I understand. I'll be careful." He said, putting his pinkie out for the younger.

Namjoon smiled and locked their pinkies. "Promise?"


When they left the dorms, all seven boys met up at the dining hall for breakfast.

"Hey, how was your first week, guys?" Namjoon asked the two new students.

"It was good! I had fun meeting people!" Jungkook answered with a smile.

"It was alright. Kook and I get to hang out during our free period." Hoseok said, smiling as well.

"Have you two gotten close then?" Yoongi asked curiously.

"We have. We're besties now!" Jungkook said, hugging Hoseok tightly.

"That's good. Have you made any other friends?" Jin asked.

"I met some other freshman. Minghao...hes Chinese...Bambam, he's Thai. Jaehyun, I like him a lot." Jungkook answered, giggling a little.

"I havent really met anyone. But there's this boy in my English class named Soonyoung. He's fun to talk to but i I wouldn't say we're friends." Hoseok answered.

"What about you, Yoongi hyung? you've been a loner for 3 years now. Have you branched out yet?" Namjoon asked.

"Nope. and i dont plan to. Hoseok is the only reason I'm friends with you guys." He answered, clearly not interested in making any more friends.

"Thats understandable I guess..." jimin said, nodding a little.

Soon the bell rang and the seven were off to their classes. On the way to his math class, he was stopped by a taller boy pinning him to a locker with telekinesis. "So, I heard you couldn't get hurt. Is that true?" The boy asked.

"Yes...can you please let me go?" Hoseok asked kindly.

"I wanted to test that. What kind of sociopathic freak cant feel sadness?" The boy asked, dropping Hoseok to the floor harshly.

"I'm not a sociopath. I can feel other emotions. Like right now, i feel annoyance." Hoseok answered as he stood up. "Are you the person who was planning to stab me?" He asked curiously.

"Stab you? No why would I do that?" He asked, frowning a little. "I was curious, I'm not crazy." He said, walking over and giving a smile. "You're abilities are cool."

"So you're gonna be nice to me now-?" Hoseok asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yea. I honestly just wanted to test if you could get offended or hurt. It wasnt the nicest way to test but I've gotten my answer. My name is Doyoung." The younger introduced himself. "I'm a sophomore. Sorry about all that I'm not really a bad person." He explained a little.

"Oh! I'm Hoseok. I'm a junior and im new here. Its nice to meet you. you did scare me a little to be honest." He admitted with a light laugh.

"Yea, sorry. are you headed to math class?" Doyoung asked and Hoseok nodded. "I'm there too. Wanna head together?"

"Sure yea. Sounds good!"

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