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The next day, Hoseok and Yoongi showed up together during breakfast and everyone smiled. the tension was clearly gone.

"so you two made up?" Jimin asked

they both nodded, Hoseok smiling brightly.

"hes adorable." yoongi said, seeing Hoseok's smile.

"aww~ you think I'm adorable~" hoseok cooed a little and Yoongi rolled his eyes, hitting him playfully.

"this is the happy couple we like to see." Jin said, smiling at their interaction.

"couple?" yoongi asked, tilting his head a little.

"aww you're not dating yet?" Taehyung asked with a small pout.

"what do you mean?" hoseok asked now, just as clueless as his counterpart.

"you two would make such a cute couple. and you're both so lovey-dovey around each other. you know....when you're not fighting." Jimin pointed out.

"you think so?" yoongi asked and everyone nodded in response.

soon the bell rang for their first class, and they all parted for their first periods.

"hobi hyung~~" doyoung sang as he ran up to the older.

"you ok?" he asked, wrapping his arm around the younger's shoulder.

"mhm! I got some rest this morning so my head isnt all funny anymore." Doyoung answered with a bright bunny smile.

"cute. I'm happy for you." Hoseok said, booping his nose to hear Doyoung giggle.

"hey, how are you and Yoongi hyung?" doyoung asked now.

"we made up actually." he said with a smile.

"really!?? its about time!!" doyoung said, extremely happy.

"I know right...I thought we'd be ignoring each other forever." hoseok said with a light laugh.

"do you two have any classes together?" Doyoung asked curiously.

"we have 5th period together. we sit on opposite ends of the classroom though. other than that, no." Hoseok answered

"ah...well that's fun. oh! I wanted to tell you that I kind of have a crush on this guy..." doyoung started to speak and Hoseok's eyes lit up.

"who!?!? is he nice? is he cute? is he funny? what's he like???"

"his name is Taeyong. hes really sweet. the parental type. hes funny, yea. oh god, hes adorable-" Doyoung rambled a little.

seeing his friend happy made Hoseok even happier, and he was all for letting Doyoung rant about his little crush.

they turned the corner for their classroom and even when the teacher started talking Doyoung was still smiling and giddy, happy Hoseok let him ramble on about the person he liked.

they were put into groups to work on a project, Doyoung with Hoseok and another boy and a girl.

"hey, isnt that the guy that threatened to stab you-?" doyoung asked as he saw the other boy in their group walking over to their table.

hoseok nodded a little. "yea I didnt even notice he was in this class-" he said as he watched Joleun walk over.

they were in history right now. their project was on the american civil war. Hoseok wasnt even paying much attention. his eyes were fixed on Joluen now sitting down at their table along with Yuri who had come behind him.

"hey Hoseok. long time no see, am I right?" joleun asked with a smile.

"yea...right." Hoseok answered, opening his packet and starting to read through the directions.

they worked well together for an hour, but as Hoseok stood up to get some paperclips for the group, he felt an uncomfortable feeling on his inner thigh. he looked down and there was nothing there.

"you ok?" yuri asked, seeing Hoseok look down with a pout.

"yea! I'm ok!" he assured her with a smile before walking over to the cabinet to get the paperclips. he sat back down and once again felt the uncomfortable feeling. he didnt bother to check this time.

the bell soon rang and everyone packed their things to go. doyoung walked Hoseok out of the classroom.

"are you ok?" doyoung asked randomly.

"yea- I'm fine. why?"

"you seemed uncomfortable earlier." doyoung pointed out.

"oh! that. I think it was just my imagination." hoseok said with a small shrug.

Jungkook was standing at his locker, waiting for Hoseok as always. doyoung smiled and pointed to the other bunny boy waving at them. he waved back as well, returning his own famous bunny smile.

"see ya later then." hoseok said, skipping down the hall to meet Jungkook. The uncomfortable feeling was still there but hey...it was fine to ignore it.

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