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The red haired boy turned his head to see Yoongi running up to him. he was soon tackled in a hug, both of them stumbling backwards.

"I heard what happened! are you ok?!" He asked, his eyes shining with worry and concern.

"I'm ok, yea" Hoseok answered, smiling softly at the older.

"Why did you pass out?? are you hurt?!"

"I cant feel pain, hyung remember?" Hoseok asked, walking them up to their dorm.

"yes but still!! what happened!??"

"I'm not sure. I just felt a little dizzy." Hoseok answered, his voice getting quieter.

he was feeling the weird feeling again. in his mind, his first instinct was to run. to get away from the heavy feeling in his chest. he knew it was Yoongi causing it. why? he had no idea. he liked Yoongi, why would his chest feel heavy when he was around him. and besides, it wasnt all the time. it was only when he was upset or worried...


"hm?" Yoongi asked, unlocking the dorm door and walking in.

"Do you give off an aura of some sort when you feel intense emotions?" Hoseok asked as he followed Yoongi in.

"I'm not sure. why?"

"Because im starting to think you do." Hoseok started. "whenever youre upset or sad or using your powers to make someone else feel those things I get this heavy feeling in my chest. I start feeling weaker and I get teary eyed."

"you mean youre feeling sad." Yoongi said, sitting on his bed.


"You're feeling sad." yoongi repeated. "That heavy feeling in your chest followed by tears. thats sadness."

"but I cant feel pain. and besides, i have nothing to be sad about." hoseok insisted.

"really?" Yoongi asked, looking over at him and raising an eyebrow at the younger man.

"yes, really." Hoseok assured.

"Then why do my powers work on you, hm?"

"i- I dont know..."

"how are you feeling right now?"

"I'm fine. it only lasted for a second." Hoseok said with a smile.

"Hm...guess ill have to try using my powers on you directly at some point." yoongi said, his focus going back to his phone.

"what do you mean?"

"you know what I mean, Seokie." yoongi said, rolling his eyes playfully.

"But why?"

"To test, of course. if you really can feel sadness with my powers."

"And if it doent work?"

"Then it doesn't work. it's not like anything bad will happen either way. we're running a simple experiment, not trying to find a cure for cancer. relax" yoongi said, chuckling a little at Hoseok's persistence.

"why dont you do it now then?" Hoseok asked.

"Because I'm tired!" yoongi whined. "I dont wanna~ I dont know about you, but when I'm tired and want to sleep my eyes get heavy and start to hurt."

"Damn...I dont get like that." Hoseok teased.

Yoongi looked up from his phone and pouted at Hoseok. he then threw one of the pillows he had on his bed at the younger.

"shut it ya sociopath!" the older yelled. but it was all just playful banter.

"go sleep, gigi" Hoseok said, the nickname causally slipping out.

"Gigi? thats cute. I like that." yoongi said with a small smile.

"really-? then I'll call you that more. Gigi hyung!" Hoseok said, giggling happily.

Yoongi smiled softly at the younger. Hoseok gave off nothing but sunshine and it made his day to see him smile. he was down bad for this boy, he really was.

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