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Hoseok woke up first, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Jeez...still tired..." he mumbled to himself. He stood from his bed and got his things ready, getting in the shower before yoongi woke up. When he left the bathroom, Yoongi was awake and scrolling through his phone.

"Morning, hyung." He said to the older.

"Good morning." Yoongi said back simply. He stood and got his own things, going into the bathroom after Hoseok walked out.

Hoseok sighed a little, things were still off between them. He understood they would be for a while. Once Yoongi left the bathroom, Hoseok walked with him out of their dorm and to the school building.

"Are you two still fighting?" Jungkook asked with a small frown.

"Yes." Yoongi answered, being honest as always.

"Come on, you two are actual adults. We're in college, not high school. Make up already." Jimin said, rolling his eyes.

"I'll make up with him when he understands my feelings and gives me a genuine apology." Yoongi said seriously.

Hoseok just stood from the table and walked away, not having an appetite to eat nor a will to speak. He was 10 minutes early to his first period class that day.

"Hey hyung!" Doyoung said, waving to the older when Hoseok walked down the hallway for his 3rd period class.

"Oh, hey. You ok?" Hoseok asked, walking over to him.

"Yea! I just saw you and thought we could walk to class together this time." The boy said with a sweet bunny smile.

"Of course, yea." Hoseok said, returning the smile.

"Are you and Yoongi hyung still off?" He asked, pouting a little.

"Yea but its fine. Itll get better." Hoseok said, shrugging a little.

"Yea! It will! He cant stay mad at you forever, can he?" Doyoung said, showing a bright personality.

"Yea, right. How have you been feeling?" Hoseok asked.

"Mm...tired. I keep doing stupid things. I slapped my roomate the other day.." he said.

"Oh- why??"

"Because my powers have been draining me. And when I use them too much I act mean and stupid. That's why I hurt you the day we first met." He explained a little.

"Ah...makes sense. Dont push yourself so much then, yea?" Hoseok said as he led the two into their classroom.

Doyoung nodded a little and sat down at his desk. The two sat right next to each other. "I'll try to take it easy. I dont like being mean to people."

"Good. Just relax." Hoseok said, patting the younger's head gently which earned a small giggle from Doyoung. "you're so cute." Hoseok said before the teacher called for their attention.

once the class was over, Doyoung and Hoseok walked out together. "going to see your friend, right?" he asked.

hoseok nodded. "yea Jungkook. I should introduce you to them sometime. you'd love them."

Doyoung shrugged a little. "I have my group of friends. it's kind of a lot to keep track of. also, theres no doubt some of them would get jealous knowing I was making new friends." he said with a light laugh.

"you seem to have a lovely group of friends then." hoseok said with a smile that Doyoung returned.

"yea, they're all great. they're good people." he said back

jungkook was at his locker, now waving at Hoseok and beckoning him over.

"looks like your friend wants you." Doyoung said, motioning to Jungkook.

"I'll see you later, youngie!" Hoseok said sweetly, giving the younger boy a hug before walking over to Jungkook.

"is that your friend?" jungkook asked curiously.

"yeah, his name is Doyoung. remember, I told you I had met a new friend like a month ago." Hoseok said

"Ooooh yea!! hes cute not gonna lie-" jungkook said.

hoseok rolled his eyes and hit the younger over the head. "you're such an idiot." he joked

"hey!! I am not!!" the younger whined back. "oh, I have a question, hyung." he said suddenly.

they started to walk to their place outside where they sat every day for their free period. "what is it?" Hoseok asked.

"well, Yoongi hyung said you cant feel guilt and that you wont give a genuine apology. can you really not geel guilty for hurting him?"

hoseok sighed a little and shrugged. "I dont know...I just- i dont feel any guilt. of course I dont like upsetting him, but I dont feel guilty about it. I know that sounds wrong but that's how it is."

"I think Yoongi hyung needs to understand that you are physically incapable of feeling guilt. but you dont like hurting him. it it were me, knowing you didnt want to hurt me the way you did would be enough for me. but hyung is stubborn." jungkook said with a small pout.

"yea...yea he is.." hoseok said, nodding a little. "but I understand. we'll work it out, Kook no worries." he said, ruffling the younger's hair.

jungkook giggled and nodded, smiling at the older and hugging his side as they walked. they soon made it outside, sitting down in their usual spot. it was a nice day out. the sun shined brightly, and so did the smile Hoseok was wearing as he sat and talked with his best friend.

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