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Yoongi walked into his and Hoseok's shared dorm, not paying the younger sitting on his bed any mind. Hoseok was staring intently at his computer, not even noticing someone had walked into the room.

It was silent for a long time, an hour had passed before Hoseok finally groaned and looked up from the computer in frustration. He turned his head and his eyes widened when he saw Yoongi sitting on his bed scrolling through his phone.

"When did you get here?" He asked

"About an hour ago." Yoongi answered, not looking up. "What's gotten you so frustrated?"

"Oh- nothing just...school work." Hoseok answered.

"You're a terrible liar. But whatever." Yoongi said, not really showing much of an interest.

"Hey hyung...?" Hoseok said after a little bit more time had passed.


"I'm sorry."


"For upsetting you. I know I dont understand the feeling but I dont like that I hurt you. It's hard to believe this apology is sincere since I cant feel guilt, but I really dont like seeing you upset. I understand what I did was wrong, and even if i cant understand your emotions, I understand why you felt upset by it." Hoseok said seriously snd honestly.

Yoongi just hummed and nodded. "Did Jin hyung force you to do this?" He suddenly asked.

"He didnt really force me...he encouraged me to." Hoseok corrected.

"Uh huh. You wouldnt have even apologized on your own?"

Hoseok was silent, not knowing how to respond to Yoongi's statement. Would he have apologized on his own? He didnt know. He didnt understand Yoongi's emotions, and without Jin he wouldnt have even known what to say or where to start with the apology. so maybe Yoongi was right. Maybe he wouldnt have said anything if Jin didnt talk to him.

"I dont know." Hoseok finally answered, it being the most honest thing he could say.

"Whatever." Yoongi muttered, not looking up from his phone

The room went quiet after that. No one else spoke and the room fell to a comfortable silence. Hoseok had no more apologizes to dish out and Yoongi had no remarks to give regarding the situation. Hoseok went back to his computer and Yoongi stayed switching back and forth between the same three apps on his phone. Eventually, the evening drew near and the weekend was coming to an end. 10 o' clock came quickly and it was lights out for those in the dorms. Hoseok shut off the lamp in between their beds and lay himself down.

"Goodnight, hyung." Hoseok said in the darkness.

"Night." Yoongi said back.

Despite their fighting, they felt it was necessary to say goodnight to each other. The small word made Hoseok smile. It gave him hope that their friendship was completely lost. If Yoongi truly hated him, he wouldn't have said anything in response to Hoseok's good night wish. It was a small, simple gesture, but it made Hoseok happy all the same. It gave him hope. He liked Yoongi a lot and he couldnt bear to end a relationship with him when their friendship had barely started to bloom.

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