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the two were back in school on Monday and no one knew about their night yet. they hadnt told any of their friends. its not like it was a big deal though. it would be their little secret.

when Hoseok met up with Doyoung for their class, Doyoung was overjoyed.

"whos got you smiling like that?" Hoseok asked curiously.

"Taeyong asked me out!!" Doyoung squealed, jumping up and down and giggling.

"Really!?" Hoseok asked, just as excited as Doyoung was.

"oh my God I feel like a high schooler-" Doyoung said, but he was still excited. so much so, his telekinesis started going off and random things in the hallway started to float.

"someone's happy." Hoseok said, pushing the things back down that he could reach.

"whoops- sorry I'm just...so excited." Doyoung said, calming himself down.

"well, take out your energy now because we have a project to present soon and you cant be making everything float." Hoseok said, rubbing Doyoung's back.

Doyoung squealed again and giggled, jumping up and down and ranting about Taeyong as they walked. when they got to their classroom door he was relaxed, just keeping the giddy smile on his face.

"all good?" hoseok asked, smiling back at him.

Doyoung nodded. "mhm!! all good!" he said, taking Hoseok's hand and walking to their group table.

"hey Hoseok, how you feeling?" Joleun asked randomly.

"I'm ok! how about you?" hoseok asked, always being polite.

"and you?" He asked Yuri who nodded. "I'm good."

when class started everyone went for their presentations. hoseok and his group watched everyone go up, and they were last. as everyone presented Hoseok started to feel dizzy. he ignored it because why would he feel weird. he was fine yesterday. and besides, he didn't get sick. he was probably just having a weird reaction to any alcohol left in his system.

"ok and Hoseok, Yuri, Joluen and Doyoung." Their teacher said and the four went up to present their project.

as they spoke Hoseok felt himself getting weaker and weaker. soon when it was Hoseok's turn to explain his part in the project, he only got out 3 words before collapsing in his spot.

When Hoseok woke up he was in the nurse's office. He sat up, feeling fine.

"Ah, you're awake. how are you feeling?" She asked him.

"I'm ok. just a little dizzy." He answered.

"We think you were just dehydrated. we cant find anything else wrong." The nurse said, letting him stand since she knew he was immune to pain.

"Oh...ok then." he said, reaching for the water bottle on the table next to him.

he took a sip and kept it with him. "can I go back to class...?"

"yes you can. just come back if anything feels off, ok?"

Hoseok nodded and took a pass from her desk. he then left for his free period with Jungkook.

sorry this is short and kinda late...

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