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It was a week into the school year and people had already begun to notice that Hoseok couldnt be hurt. This got them curious, as no one had a power like that.

Right now a tall boy had Hoseok pinned to the lockers and was trying to use his powers on him. "Can you please let me go?" Hoseok asked quietly, not being effected in the slightest but not loving the current situation.

It wasnt long until a small boy came over and yelled at the person pinning Hoseok. "Hey!"

The boy turned and laughed at the small boy. He was short with plump lips and pink hair. "Leave him alone."

The boy pinning Hoseok laughed. "What are you gonna do about it, shortie?" He asked, rolling his eyes a little.

The small boy hesitated for a moment before sending a stream of fast flowing water at him. The force of the water was enough to hurt him a little and the boy immedietly ran.

Hoseok smiled a little at his saviour and bowed polietly. "Thanks for that."

The small boy nodded. "Did he hurt you?"

"Tried to. But I cant get hurt." Hoseok explained casually.

"Oh! That's so cool! I'm Jimin by the way. Sophomore!" The water-bender introduced himself.

"I'm Hoseok. Your powers look so cool." He complimented.

"Thanks but I can only work with water...it doesnt exactly do much." He said sheepishly.

"No, no, it's really cool!"

Jimin smiled shyly and looked down. "Would you like to have lunch with me and my friends today?" He offered.

"Sure! If my own friends could come along?"

"Yeah, of course! It'd be nice to make a few more friends." He said happily, looking back up at Hoseok.

"That's great! I'm really glad I met you. Thanks again, Jimin."

"Dont mention it, hyung."


Jimin had brought Hoseok and his friends to his usual table. A young looking boy with a soft bunny smile was the only one there. "Hi hyung! Who are they?" He asked, pointing to the 4 newcomers.

The four introduced themselves and the boy smiled a bunny smile. "I'm Jungkook! I'm a freshman!" He introduced himself sweetly.

Jimin invited the four to sit down and frowned when he saw someone missing. "Where's Taehyung?" He asked Jungkook.

The youngest shrugged a little. "For all I know hes sitting next to you."

Soon a figure appeared behind Jimin and slapped his shoulders, causing Jimin to scream. "Taehyung!!" He yelled at the boy behind him.

"I never fail to scare you, you coward!" He laughed, sitting down next to him. "I'm Taehyung. Sophomore. It's nice to meet you." He introduced himself to the four.

The four did the same and smiled at Taehyung. "Its nice to meet you three." Namjoon said kindly.

"What are your abilities?" Jungkook asked curiously.

The four told them their abilities and Jungkook immedietly smiled at Yoongi. "You all have really cool abilities but yours interests me." He said to Yoongi.

"Thanks, but why...?"

"Because, if someone was depressed, could you just make them happy again?"

"No, it doesnt work like that. If someone has depression, anxiety anything like that, I cant cure that. I can help a little, but their sadness will never go away completely like it would otherwise." He explained.

Jungkook nodded a little and smiled at him. "That's really cool hyung!" He said happily.

"God, you're adorable-" yoongi blurted out, immediately covering his mouth and blushing slightly.

"Aww, you think I'm adorable? Thank you!" Jungkook said, giggling a little.

"He also cant tell a lie." Hoseok said for Yoongi with a light laugh.

"Fuck you."

Hoseok stuck his tongue out at the older and giggled. "It was gonna come out eventually." He teased.

"You two have only known each other for a week and you are already cute as fuck." Jin said with a light laugh, causing the two to roll their eyes.

After lunch the bell rang and they all headed to their classes.

They had normal classes like the typical math, science, history and English, but they also had other classes like power control and practice.

Hoseok didnt take either.

He had nothing to control and nothing to practice. Jungkook was the same. He didnt have to practice anything or learn to control, because he was instantly good at everything. So the two of them and others of the same sort had a free period.

Hoseok found that Jungkook was extremely clingy. Not that he minded all too much. The younger explained he was sensitive to smell, and he liked how Hoseok smelled. Hoseok simply accepted it and let Jungkook cling to him. He found it cute.

The two took those two hours to get to know each other, and soon they had the mutal understanding they would be best friends. The two just clicked.

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