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They were back in school the next day. Hoseok seemed fine and people had started to leave him alone again. when he was walking to his history class, Doyoung quickly caught up with him.


Hoseok turned around to face Doyoung and the two started to walk together.

"Are you ok?? I heard you were in the hosptial!" Doyoung said with a serious and concerned tone.

"Yea, I'm fine. I was poisoned without even knowing. I think someone did it with their powers in our history class." Hoseok explained vaguely

"Oh shit really...? who do you think it was?" Doyoung asked

"I'm not sure, but I have my eyes on Joleun." Hoseok answered.

The two walked into their history class, finding their seats with their partners. the project was over but they were in groups now.

"How are you feeling, Hoseok?" Joleun asked as the two sat down.

"Fine. why?" Hoseok asked, already suspicious.

"I heard you were in the hosptial. I'm glad you're ok." He said with a small smile.

"Uh huh..." He mumbled, looking at the teacher who was starting to talk.

As Hoseok and Yuri listened to the lesson with the rest of the class, small whispering could be heard from their table. Hoseok turned his head slightly and he saw Doyoung talking to Joluen. he couldn't make out their words, but it was clear they were having a serious conversation. Doyoung's face was stern and Joleun seemed upset 

Yuri leaned over to Hoseok and spoke in a whisper to him. "What do you think they're on about?"

"I'm not sure. they dont usually talk much." hoseok pointed out.

"Young seems kinda mad." She said, motioning over to his furrowed eyebrows

"I'll ask him about it later." Hoseok said and Yuri nodded.

"Ill talk to Joleun then."

the two pulled away from each other and focused back on the lesson. When class was over, Hoseok walked with Doyoung out. however, instead of heading to find Jungkook this time he stayed with Doyoung outside of the classroom.

"What were you and Joluen talking about?" He asked directly.

"Why?" Doyoung asked, frowning a little at that question.

"Well, you two dont really talk much. I was just curious." hoseok answered.

Doyoung hummed a little and shrugged. "I was asking what his ability was."

"Why did you seem so angry then?"

Doyoung was silent for a few seconds before looking down and playing with his hands. "He said he can make needles."

"Needles-? like, sewing needles...threading needles-?"

"Injecting needles. like really thin and subtle ones. he can create them with nothing or with any liquid of his choosing. he just has to know the chemical compound of the liquid he wants." Doyoung explained Joleun's ability to him.

"Right..." Hoseok mumbled, almost sure it was Doyoung that poisoned him how. "Then why were you angry?"

"Because I knew he was the one who poisoned you. Its obvious hearing his ability. I wanted to know why he did it." Doyoung said seriously. "That could get him expelled if we report it."

"I dont want to get him expelled..." Hoseok said as he played with his hands.

"What!? Why!?" Doyoung asked, frowning at the older.

"He tried hard to get into this school like you and I did. and this school is the only place I feel like I fit in. I wouldnt be surprised if he felt the same." Hoseok pointed out.

"Why do you even care? He tried to kill you twice just to satisfy his own curiosity!" Doyoung said, starring to get a bit angry with Hoseok's stupid decision.

"You wanted to hurt me too. but we're friends now, arent we?" Hoseok pointed out.

Doyoung sighed and nodded, looking down at his feet.

"you gotta head to class. we can talk more about it later if you want. I'll think about it, ok?" Hoseok assured.

Doyoung nodded again. "Ok...just be careful. I dont wanna see you hurt anymore. have a nice free period." Doyoung said, giving the older a small smile before walking away.

Hoseok started his own way to jungkook. he ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. he was now faced with two deacons: Report Joleun and get him expelled, or say nothing and let him stay in the school. He tried to take his mind off of it for now. he wanted to enjoy his free time. he walked to Jungkook, trying to calm his nerves and thoughts.

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