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As he had said, Hoseok wore sweatpants to school the next day. When they were all sitting at lunch, Hoseok brought up his and Yoongi's plans for later that day.

"we're gonna go out tonight. grab a few drinks. so no one bother us." hoseok said to the others.

"oooh~ a date~" Jin teased, jimin giggling along with him

"yes and what about it?" yoongi asked, tilting his head a little.

"the ship is finally sailing." Taehyung said, popping up behind Hoseok.

"Toot toot! here comes the opt boat!" Jungkook said, giggling a little.

"Kook, can you do my homework for me tonight~?" jimin whined at the younger.

"I already did it last night! you're never gonna learn anything like that, hyung!" Jungkook said, pouting at the older.

"why do I need school when I have a face like this and a body like this?" Jimin asked, rolling his eyes.

"hes not wrong." Taehyung pointed out as he sat down next to Jimin.

Jungkook pouted a little and huffed, sourly eating his food. "fine..." he mumbled through bites.

"Thank you, darling~" Jimin sang as he gave Jungkook his folder to take for later.

soon the bell for lunch rang and they all went their separate ways. Hoseok had History again with Doyoung so he was with their group continuing their project. once again, he felt the uncomfortable feeling when he sat down.

"guys, do these chairs feel uncomfortable to you?" hoseok asked the others.

the all shook their heads. "why? are you ok?" Joleun asked.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine I just get an uncomfortable feeling whenever I sit down or stand up. it doesn't hurt cause you know- but it's a little uncomfortable." He explained.

"Maybe the chairs are just uncomfortable for you. why dont you try getting one from the empty classroom next to us?" Yuri offered.

"Yea that's a good idea. I'll do that." Hoseok said, standing and walking out of the classroom to get a new chair.

He came back with the chair. it was a different type than the ones the were using despite most classrooms having the same ones. his lucky day I guess. he sat down and the feeling was gone.

"That helped!" Hoseok said with a happy smile.

"Good! and we're almost done with the project." Doyoung said as he showed Hoseok what he had finished.

all they had to do was put the parts they each had been working on together and then add finishing touches. they finished the project right before the bell for class rang. All they had to do now was present.

Yoongi was in his own practice class. he didnt take the class with any of his main friends but he did have a few friends in this class. today he was paired up with his friend Jihoon.

Yoongi was to break through Jihoon's barrier and make his emotions change. Jihoon had a barrier which he could turn on and off. it stopped people from using their powers on him. he was a fantastic liar, quite the opposite of Yoongi. Despite their differences, the two were good friends.

"And start!" the teacher said to everyone who had their own challenges.

Yoongi didnt look at Jihoon as he used his powers. Jihoon was feeling neutral now, so any emotions he attempted to get Jihoon to feel would only seem like a subtle change. He decided to go with happiness. Happiness was a difficult emotion to fight off.

There was no talking between the two. it was a comfortable silence because they were both very focused on their own abilities. Jihoon didnt struggle much at first, but Yoongi pushed. yoongi was persistent when it came to these things. Jihoon's barrier didnt have a time limit, but it did have a force limit. If someone was really determined to get into his head they could with enough pushing. it was difficult, but not for an extremely motivated and determined person.

after a few minutes, yoongi decided to try another emotion. He knew that Jihoon's boyfriend, Soonyoung, was spending a lot of time after school lately. a lot of the time with Hoseok for dance practice. he decided to see how Jihoon would react to jealousy.

there was nothing at first but soon Jihoon whined and let out an annoyed sigh. "fine...you got me." he muttered, his tone very sour now.

"what's wrong?" Yoongi asked, smirking a little. he knew what was wrong.

"really though...do you think Soon is doing anything bad-? you know...he always says hes out at dance practice but I dont know. I mean, I trust him but it's so constant, you know?" Jihoon rambled a little.

Yoongi stopped using his ability and gave him a soft smile. "dont worry about it. that boy is whipped for you. and besides, hoseok stays late with Kai for practice too. the times match up." he assured Jihoon.

"alright...I believe you..." Jihoon said quietly.

the bell soon rang. the class having gone by a lot faster than they expected. they grabbed their things and stood, walking out together to their next and last class.

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